A delicious recipe to cook at home

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Recipe for pickling mirabelle plums

You need:

  • fresh mirabelle plums
  • cinnamon sticks
  • Sugar*
  • water
  • Mason jars with lids
  • cooking pot
  • Canning pot

also read

  • Preserve mirabelle plums or "yellow plums"
  • Pickling potatoes - recipe and instructions
  • Inserting the corn on the cob - recipe and instructions

* It is advisable to use birch sugar instead of normal sugar - your health will thank you for it.

How to insert your mirabelle plums correctly

  1. Fill about a liter of water in the saucepan.
  2. Add about 300 grams of sugar.
  3. Boil the sugar water.
  4. Then let it cool down.
  5. In the meantime, wash the mirabelle plums thoroughly.
  6. Remove the stem from each mirabelle plum.
  7. Put a stick of cinnamon in each mason jar.
  8. Then fill the fruit tightly into the glasses.
  9. Pour the cooled sugar water over it - the mirabelle plums must be completely covered.
  10. Seal the jars tightly.
  11. Put the jars in the cooking pot.
  12. Then fill the canning pot with water until the latter reaches the top of the liquid in the mason jars.
  13. Cook the whole thing for 30 minutes at 75 degrees Celsius.
  14. Take the canning pot off the hob.
  15. Let the glasses with their delicious contents cool down slowly.
  16. Store the pickled mirabelle plums in a dark place.


This way the fruits can be kept for at least a year.

Note: Our recipe is a relatively simple and inexpensive one. Of course, you can also modify it with regard to the exact list of ingredients. It is also very tasty, for example, with vodka and vanilla - if you like an alcoholic note. For this variant you need

  • 500 g mirabelle plums
  • 500 ml of vodka
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 250 grams of sugar

Preserving is not necessary here. Simply scrape out the pulp from the lengthways sliced ​​vanilla pod and mix with the vodka. Score the washed mirabelle plums with a sharp knife or prick several times with a wooden skewer. Then layer the mirabelle plums, the sugar and the scraped-out vanilla pod in a sufficiently large mason jar. Then pour the vanilla vodka over it and close the glasses tightly. Let it steep for at least two weeks. The pickled fruits can now be kept in the refrigerator for a good three months.

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How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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