The most important things from A to Z

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Which location is ideal?

The Christmas rose doesn't like a lot of sun. It is welcome to stand on a north-facing balcony or planted under deciduous trees and shrubs, as long as it gets enough light. In summer she prefers a dry one Location.

also read

  • Planting a Christmas rose - how to do it right!
  • Hibernate the Christmas rose outdoors
  • Pulling Christmas rose in a pot - tips for care

Can Christmas roses also be kept as houseplant?

Basically it is Christmas rose no Houseplant. Above winter may she into the house so that you can enjoy the flowers. After flowering, however, it should either be placed outdoors in a pot or planted in the bed.

What substrate does the snow rose need?

The Christmas rose prefers calcareous and loamy soil. Above all, however, the earth must be loosened very deeply so that the long roots can spread unhindered.

When is the best time to plant?

The best Planting time is autumn. The snow rose can also be planted in spring.

Does a planting distance have to be kept?

The planting distance should be 30 to 40 centimeters. Christmas roses look very pretty if you put them in groups of three or more plants.

When does the Christmas rose bloom?

Depending on the weather, flowering begins in December and lasts until February, depending on the variety.

How is the Christmas rose propagated?

the Multiplication takes place in the garden by self-sowing. In addition, the Christmas rose lets through Share multiply.

How is the snow rose replanted?

  • Dig up snow rose deeply
  • Prepare a new planting hole
  • Loosen the soil well
  • Possibly. Work in a drainage layer
  • Plant the plant carefully
  • Face the earth lightly

Which neighbors do Christmas roses get along with?

You shouldn't put a snow rose under conifers or other plants that love acidic soil. The soil here is too poor in lime. Otherwise snow roses get along with almost all plants.

Is the Christmas rose poisonous?

Yes, for both humans and pets like Cats and dogs.

Tips & Tricks

If you want Christmas roses to bloom very early sorts Select. With the right care, the Christmas rose will also show its pretty flowers as a houseplant at Christmas.