Costs, course, specifications and more

click fraud protection

the essentials in brief

  • Of the Chainsaw license for self-advertisers costs from 49 euros for a one-day course plus from 250 euros for chainsaw and protective equipment.
  • The course consists of a theoretical part (Module A) in the morning and a practical part (Module B) in the afternoon.
  • A simple chainsaw license is mandatory for all private individuals who cut firewood outside of their own property (called self-recruiters).

How much does a chainsaw license cost?

The chainsaw license is not uniformly defined throughout Germany. As a result, learning content and process can be designed differently, depending on the chosen provider. It is important to note that the course fees only make up part of the actual costs. A chainsaw and full protective equipment are essential for participation. Some providers make the equipment available on loan for a corresponding fee. The majority of the organizers expect you to appear with your own saw and protective equipment. We looked around the market and put the following chainsaw license costs together for you:

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Course fee costs equipment costs
Hardware store from 49 EUR Chainsaw from 70 EUR
Forestry Office from 100 EUR Helmet with hearing and face protection from 24 EUR
Cut protection pants from 60 EUR
Cut protection gloves from 14 EUR
Safety shoes from 78 EUR
Equipment rental fee on request

Optionally there are also: petrol cans with 3-5 liters of petrol, biodegradable chain oil, safety vest or a warm jacket in a striking color and a small bandage that can be worn on the body can.

This overview does not claim to be representative completeness. Rather, the table aims to provide you with a rough guide to the costs associated with a chainsaw license for self-recruiters.

Free and useful - "Help in the forest" app

Does the practical part of the training for a chainsaw license take place in the middle of the forest? Then you should be armed with a charged mobile phone and the “Help in the forest” app. In an emergency, the app shows your own position as well as the nearest rescue points that the ambulance and fire brigade know and can go to.

The database of “Help in the Forest” is currently still under construction. Rescue points in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony, Brandenburg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein and Saxony-Anhalt are recorded. If you are later in the woods with the chainsaw license in your pocket as a self-advertisement, the active app should not be missing either.

Where can I get a chainsaw license?

chainsaw license

You can get a chainsaw license in almost every city

Courses for a chainsaw license are offered almost everywhere in Germany. A long, time-consuming and costly journey to obtain the certificate has long been a thing of the past thanks to numerous providers. For example, training courses are offered by:

  • Forest offices
  • Nurseries
  • Fire brigades
  • Hardware stores, especially Obi and Bauhaus
  • Chainsaw manufacturers
  • Gardening and landscaping businesses

An excellent source for certified course providers is the homepage of the Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik e. V (KWF). Here you can either search for your zip code or in an alphabetical list of certified instructors. The DIY chain OBI offers a comparable search mask for Germany. At Hagebau, the range of courses is still being set up with participating markets in Dortmund, Frechen, Hagen, Münster and Solingen (as of 2020). Hornbach does not currently offer any courses for the chainsaw license.


In order to separate the wheat from the chaff among the suppliers of the chainsaw license, there are two important quality features. The training course should run according to KWF-tested standards (Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik e.v), marked with the corresponding seal of approval. A significant indication of a high level of quality is furthermore the certification according to DGUV-Information 214-059 (German statutory accident insurance for training for work with a Chainsaw).

Can you buy a chainsaw license?

chainsaw license

You cannot buy a chainsaw license online without a course

Unfortunately, the great interest in the chainsaw license attracts dubious providers. The fraudsters suggest that self-recruiters can simply buy the chain saw certificate. The crooks cavort on free online classifieds portals in order to lure gullible buyers into the trap. Occasionally, insidious providers also appear on Ebay or Amazon. Anyone who buys a chainsaw license online without attending the course risks their own health and serious conflicts with the forester or forest owner.

What knowledge do chainsaw license modules convey?

There are no nationwide standards on the content of a chain saw license course. As a result, the training process varies from provider to provider. A one-day course has proven itself in practice for the simple chainsaw driver's license. This is divided into a theoretical part in the morning (Module A) and a practical part in the afternoon (Module B). The following table gives a brief overview of the knowledge that each module provides:

Module A Module B
Protective equipment components Basics of handling
Components of a chainsaw Cutting techniques
Care and Maintenance Cutting exercises
Protective provisions for woodwork

In DIY stores, the courses usually take place on Saturdays and begin with the theoretical part (Module A), which lasts from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. After a lunch break, the participants go out into the outdoor area, where the participants can dedicate themselves to the practical part (module B) from 12.30 p.m. to around 5 p.m. Forestry offices, chainsaw manufacturers or horticultural companies are more flexible when it comes to scheduling;


Exam questions don't need to scramble

chainsaw license

You don't have to take a theory test to get a chainsaw license

There is no test for a simple chainsaw license. As a participant in the course, you do not have to answer any exam questions or take a practical test. You are spared nervous flutter and racing heart, as with a car driver's license. This means that you do not have to get a template in advance to look up questions about the chainsaw license. Instead, at the end of your training, you will be given a certificate that confirms your knowledge of using a chainsaw.

For courses that go beyond Module A and Module B, most providers carry out a final test. In this context, some exam questions have to be answered and practical exercises have to be done. This is of course a more advanced chainsaw license, as is mandatory for professional woodwork.

What are the prerequisites for participation?

Previous knowledge for participation in the course is not required. Even if this is the first time in your life that you hold a chainsaw in your hands during the course, you can still sign up. This applies under these conditions:

  • Minimum age 18 years (with the exception of trainees in a green profession)
  • physically and mentally suitable for using a chainsaw
  • sober (no alcohol and no drugs)
  • own or rented chainsaw
  • complete protective equipment

Physical fitness is one of the prerequisites because a chainsaw weighs several kilograms and woodwork is always strenuous. Intellectual fitness is required because the chainsaw is a dangerous tool. The practical exercises in Module B are not possible without complete protective equipment. If you take part in the course without a firm intention of doing business yourself, you can borrow protective equipment from some providers.

Is a chainsaw license required?

chainsaw license

A do-it-yourselfer on their own property does not need a chainsaw license

Basically, in no federal state is the acquisition of a chainsaw license mandatory. This applies equally to North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Lower Saxony, Hesse and every other federal state. If you use a chainsaw on your own property, it depends on your individual assessment whether you will take part in the course. Furthermore, every private forest owner can decide whether or not to require a chainsaw license from the self-recruiter. The following overview summarizes when a chainsaw license is always required:

  • as a self-recruiter in the public forest
  • in all PEFC (certification for sustainable forest management) certified forests
  • a private third party operating a chainsaw in the woods or gardens of strangers, friends or relatives
  • basically for all commercial users

When in doubt, a question sheds light on it. You can get a reliable answer to the question about the obligation to have a chainsaw driver's license directly from the forest owner concerned. This is usually the local forest office.

Felling trees with a chainsaw license - is that possible?

The simple chainsaw license from the hardware store does not imply permission to cut trees. By investing a little more time, money and the willingness to stay overnight, the chainsaw license obtained includes the license to fell trees. This permit extends to small trees with a breast height diameter (BHD) of 20 to 25 centimeters. The Waldgut Roitzsch in Saxony-Anhalt is one of the KWF-certified providers as the location of the event. The engineering office for occupational safety Jacob GmbH is responsible for the training. This is how the process is designed in a nutshell:

  • Friday: Arrival and theory module from 5 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
  • Saturday: practical module from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Costs: 99 euros plus 20 euros for the certificate and an overnight stay
  • Note: A chainsaw and protective clothing are provided, apart from work shoes

The theoretical and practical training goes beyond woodwork on lying wood. In addition, the participants learn how to assess trees and the tensions that prevail in them. The course instructor teaches felling techniques, explains notch, hinge and breaking level. This knowledge enables the course participants to felling so-called small wood as self-procurers of firewood. The course is also recommended for private garden owners with small trees.


Why a chainsaw license with the KWF seal of approval?

This guide recommends attending a chain saw course with the KWF seal of approval for good reason. There are no federal or state uniform standards on how to teach self-recruiters how to use the chainsaw correctly. The seal of approval Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik e. V provides a remedy and gives you security when choosing a competent provider. The following advantages are associated with a chainsaw license with the KWF seal of approval:

  • Course leader has proven his technical and pedagogical qualifications
  • Course content according to national standards according to KWF, professional associations, accident insurance, forestry
  • The learning content is guaranteed to convey all theoretical and practical basic knowledge
  • Presentation of a uniform, nationwide recognized certificate of attendance
  • Chainsaw license with its own ID number and online authenticity check

If you should lose your chainsaw license with the KWF ID number, you can easily get a new one. You are not forced to attend a course again.

frequently asked Questions

Can you fell trees with a chainsaw license from Obi or Bauhaus?

No, that is not allowed. With a simple chainsaw license, private individuals acquire basic knowledge of how to use chainsaws and how to work safely on lying wood. With the certificate in your pocket, you are not allowed to go into the forest and cut trees. However, woodwork, such as cutting firewood, is permitted.

For which chainsaws do you need a license?

It doesn't matter which drive a chainsaw works with. Electric chainsaws are just as dangerous as machines with gasoline engines. The course provides you with important knowledge and skills in handling a chainsaw, regardless of whether the engine is powered by electricity or gasoline.

Can you fail a chainsaw license?

If you take the simple chainsaw license course, failing is virtually impossible. This applies on the premise that you meet the requirements: Minimum age 18 years, mentally and physically fit, chainsaw at hand and protective equipment at hand. You will not be bothered with oral or written examination questions. In addition, there is no practical test to be taken.

I've got my chainsaw license in my pocket. Can I cut firewood in the forest now?

The chainsaw license alone is not enough for you to cut your own firewood in the forest from now on. Permission from the responsible forestry office or district manager is mandatory for this. As a rule, the public or private forest owner concludes a firewood contract with you as a self-recruiter. A fixed amount of wood will be allocated to you in this. Cutting firewood in the forest without the written or verbal consent of the owner or forester will be punished as an administrative offense. With a little luck, you will only receive a warning as a first-time offender. In the event of repetition, there is a risk of a heavy fine.

Are there chainsaw courses for women only?

In fact, some providers have recognized that women prefer to be among themselves to learn how to use the chainsaw. One of the pioneers is, for example, the Thuringian Forest, where courses have only been held for women since 2014. Since then, the offer has not only increased steadily in Germany. The Lower Saxony State Forests are exemplary with a two-day course for women only on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings at a price of 150 euros. Those who value female trainers should contact the mobile chainsaw school in Breisach.


A creative gift idea for robust hobby gardeners and courageous gardeners is the “Lumberjack course with chainsaw certificate” experience voucher from Jochen Schweizer. The recipient cannot just let the tatters fly for a day under competent supervision with the chainsaw. As a positive side effect, the certified course instructor hands over the coveted chainsaw license for self-recruiters at the end of the day.

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