How to clean the leaves

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Remove dust from indoor plants

Even in the cleanest apartment he keeps sweeping - even busy cleaners are powerless against house dust. It reduces the look, especially on indoor plants. The rich, bright green of the leaves takes on a greyish color. The coating is particularly noticeable on large leaves. Fortunately, the fine particles are quickly eliminated. Use a fine-pored cloth or feather duster for dusting and take care not to snap off the leaves and petioles or damage them in any other way.

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Shower off houseplants

While the regular rainfall in the garden automatically removes dirt from the plants, the work with indoor plants is left to you. Every now and then it is advisable to shower houseplants if they can tolerate large amounts of water. Use slightly tempered water for this. The right time is of particular relevance. If you shower a plant and then place it on the windowsill again, the remaining water droplets can cause sunburn. The early morning hours as well as the late evening hours are therefore preferable for the measure.

To keep your home clean and dry, you should shower your houseplants on the balcony or terrace. In winter you do the work in the bathtub.

Note: The cleaning of the leaves is not only for the optics, but also strengthens the vitality of the houseplant.

Extra tips

If so, because already, so many plant lovers think and give their house plants an even more beautiful look with these care tips.

More shine

Apply some milk or vegetable oil to the leaves to make them shine. But be careful, you shouldn't resort to this trick too often. The agents may increase the risk of pest infestation.

Holistic care

Of course, cleaning the leaves requires a comprehensive care program. At the same time, remove dead leaves and transversely growing shoots.

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