Toxic or harmless?

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For adults, dragon trees are conditionally harmless

The flowers and leaves of the dragon tree contain so-called saponins, which are also found in other plant species. The intake concentration, which is usually very limited due to the bitter taste, generally has no serious effects on the organism of an adult. But things can look different if they are allergy sufferers or asthmatics: this is the more sensitive one Group of people sometimes experienced various symptoms such as itching or breathing difficulties solely from polluted indoor air observed.

also read

  • The blossom of the dragon tree - a rather rare occurrence
  • The right soil as the basis for plant health and growth in the dragon tree
  • Cultivating the dragon tree outdoors - possible or not?

Care should be taken with children and pets

Since toddlers are not yet able to perceive the bitter taste of the dragon tree leaves so pronounced Unattended they actually consume quantities of the leaves, causing serious health problems to lead. So that children or pets cannot attack the dragon tree unnoticed, this can also be done in summer, for example

on the balcony a seasonal location Find. To prevent dogs or cats from nibbling on the leaves of the dragon tree, you should take preventive measures:

  • place the dragon tree inaccessible for small animals
  • offer alternative employment opportunities
  • Do not leave animals unattended with a dragon tree in the room


The flower of the dragon tree is no more poisonous than the rest of the plant, but its strong smell attracts the attention of children and pets alike. Since the dragon tree is usually through anyway Cuttings than by seeds increased being can be disruptive Flower bases also at any time cut off will.

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