This is how the cucumbers grow best

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Water snake cucumbers a little or once a day?

Like all cucumber plants, snake cucumbers are heavy drinkers and react bitterly if they are given too little water. On the other hand, they do not tolerate waterlogging. Pour snake cucumbers in doses - Which of the watering options is correct depends on the type of plant, the soil structure and the weather.

  • Drip irrigation
  • Daily moderate watering
  • weekly watering

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Extensive watering is important for the first 2 weeks after planting snake cucumbers to activate root formation. After that, 2 times a week is sufficient, depending on the weather and the ground.

  • Water twice a week
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Only spray young plants

Give your time when repotting

When the snake cucumber seedlings get too big, sort out the weak ones and transplant the sturdy ones into peat pots. As soon as the young plants are 10 centimeters high, you can put them in the greenhouse or, depending on the season and weather

Repot outdoors. Important: repotting takes some time. Because errors such as root injuries cannot be repaired.

You can make snake cucumbers pull or refine yourself or purchase refined snake cucumber plants in specialist shops. These are opposite to soil germs and mildew resistant. How about these snake cucumber varieties:

  • Midios
  • Sudica
  • Printo

Pricking and cutting - how do you do it right?

Creeping cucumber plants grow limitless. Except you cuts the cucumber plants or show them the direction with a suitable cucumber climbing aid. This is recommended Pruning the side shoots between the leaf axils. The shoots can be cut both in width and in height so that the plant compacts and concentrates its power on abundant fruiting.

Diseases and pests in snake cucumbers

Dangerous cucumbers Diseases and pests that also infect snake cucumbers and what to do about them.

Too much yellow leaves - what to do

if yellow leaves and pale green Overhand with snake cucumbers, this is a clear indication of dryness or mineral deficiency. Fertilize and additional minerals provide fresh green.

Tips & Tricks

In Germany we eat around 3.3 kg of fresh snake cucumbers per nose every year. Seen in this light, growing snake cucumbers in your own garden is worthwhile - family, friends and neighbors appreciate and enjoy the top quality organic quality.