This is the best way to proceed

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When do you need to repot the mimosa?

Time to repot the mimosa it will when the roots grow out of the drainage hole below. Even if the root ball completely fills the pot and penetrates the top of the pot, it is time to treat the plant to a new, slightly larger pot.

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Ideally, repot the mimosa in spring. But check regularly whether the roots still have enough space in the planter.

You should repot newly purchased mimosas immediately after buying them. Often the pots are too small and the substrate too leached or too damp.

Do not choose too large a pot

The roots of the mimosa must be able to spread. However, a pot that is too large is not recommended. The leaves of the mimosa look much more decorative and the plant also flowers more beautifully in a smaller pot.

The planter must have a sufficiently large drainage hole to prevent waterlogging.

How to repot properly

  • Pot the mimosa
  • shake off old earth
  • Possibly. Prune roots
  • Fill the pot with fresh soil
  • Insert the plant
  • Carefully press the substrate

Carefully remove the mimosa from the old pot. Shake off the old earth. See if the roots are still healthy. If necessary, you should cut rotten and diseased roots into a new pot before moving.

Prepare a pot with fresh substrate and carefully insert the mimosa. Lightly squeeze the soil and water the plant.

After repotting, you should not initially use the mimosa fertilize. Put the pot in a bright, warm place Location. Avoid direct sunlight for the first time.

Which plant substrate is suitable?

as Plant substrate is suitable for simple compost or Potting soilthat you loosen with some sand or fine gravel.


After repotting, they see Leaves of mimosa For a while very torn and worn out. That is normal. They recover after a while.