Remove brown algae and fight it properly

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Brown algae are found in every pond, but can become a nuisance under unfavorable conditions. With these tips these organisms can be successfully combated.

Appearance and origin

Brown algae, lat. Phaeophyceae, are a large group of different looking algae. The diatoms (Bacillariophyta) because they also look brownish. These two types of algae have one thing in common: they need silicon oxide for cells to divide. Brown algae and diatoms can be combated using the same methods. In the garden pond, these algae usually take the form of branched cell threads that attach themselves to plants and stones. Most types of brown algae are found in salt water; only five types are found in fresh water. These algae prefer to live in cool waters, so they are often found in the ponds. Sometimes these organisms become a real nuisance for the gardener. The brown algae spread uncontrollably, suppress the aquatic plants, take away light and nutrients from them. The appearance of the pond also suffers greatly from the brown algae. These living beings are part of the natural population in every body of water, their spread shows the disturbed equilibrium in the pond.

Brown algae: optimal conditions

In order to successfully combat brown algae or diatoms, the gardener should first know which conditions can promote their growth. In contrast to most other algae, brown algae only need little light for their growth, but thrive in the shady locations. These algae feel particularly comfortable in hard water (over 14 ° dH). In addition, these organisms need different nutrients, such as. B. Nitrogen, phosphorus and

other chemical elements. The source of these nutrients in the pond are dead plant parts, leaves, pollen or dead animals (insects, larvae, etc.). If fish are kept in the pond, leftover food is one of the most important sources of nutrients for the algae.

Remove brown algae

In contrast to many other algae, brown algae can be removed mechanically relatively easily. These can be collected from the surface of the pond with a net. A special pump can also be used for surface cleaning. It is a little more difficult to remove algae from the bottom of the pond. For this, a gardener can z. B. attach a sponge to a long stick and try to remove the algae with the help of this device. This method is of course not easy to use, especially with severe infestation, because the water quickly becomes cloudy and thus the situation is too confusing. The only thing that helps here is to pump out the water and to clean the entire pond with a powerful jet of water. This approach is not very pleasant for water dwellers. Aquatic plants can spend some time without their element, especially if kept moist. Of course, fish have to stay in a water container until the pond is filled with fresh water.

Tip: Even with partial water changes (up to 3/4 of the volume), many algae or parts of them floating in the water are removed.

Pay attention to the water quality

To prevent the algae plague again after the pond has been filled, it is worth using only soft water. The rain barrel is a reliable source of high quality soft water. It is not advisable to fill the pond with tap water, as this contains too many substances that are not only a good breeding ground for the

Brown algae, but are also unhealthy for the water dwellers. The water hardness can be reduced significantly with the help of an osmosis system, but on the one hand these systems cost a lot of money, on the other hand they work very slowly. Tip: Calcareous stones continuously supply the algae with nutrients; such materials must not be used or used in pond construction. should be removed.

With light against brown algae

Both brown and diatoms like shade and spread quickly in poorly lit parts of the pond. The gardener can prevent the brown algae plague by avoiding shady areas when creating the pond. Partial shade is ideal for a new pond. Sunny locations are less advisable because they favor the spread of other types of algae, e.g. B. Blue-green algae. Moving an existing pond is not that easy, but you may be able to remove some branches or plants that are overshadowing the pond.

Plants in the fight against brown algae

Newly created ponds in particular often suffer from brown or diatom infestation. The reason for this are often young, small aquatic plants that have just been planted and can only process a few nutrients. The more "food" remains for the algae. Therefore, it is worthwhile to put some well-developed adult aquatic plants in the pond. These make the algae dispute the nutrients and with success.

Tip: Underwater plants in particular remove nutrients from the algae.

Feed fish more sparingly

Leftover food contains many nutrients that are important for algae. The koi or other species of fish often have a tendency to beg for food, which does not necessarily mean that the animals are hungry. It is worthwhile to only feed enough so that the fish get their food within approx. eat up for five minutes. Otherwise the remains sink to the bottom and do not feed the fish, but the unwanted algae.

Remove plant residues and protect the pond

Regular pond maintenance includes removing the dead parts of the aquatic plants and leaves with a landing net in order to remove the breeding ground for the brown algae. In autumn the gardener can cover the pond with a net so that the leaves do not get into the water.

  1. Combating brown algae in brief:
  2. Remove mechanically,
  3. Change the water completely or partially,
  4. Ensure better lighting conditions,
  5. Remove limestone-containing materials,
  6. Feed fish less,
  7. Remove dead plant remains and leaves,
  8. Only fill the pond with soft water.

Brown algae can also do without the

Use of algicides can be successfully combated. It is only worth resorting to chemical agents after all other agents have not shown any success.

Worth knowing about brown algae in brief

  • Most of the 10,000 or so species of brown algae are found in the temperate or cold seas. Accordingly, you will feel very comfortable in the North and Baltic Seas.
  • However, they are not only found there, because some species also feel at home in fresh water and so the brown algae also have in our aquariums or Garden ponds Arrived.
  • In contrast to many other types of algae, brown algae do not prefer good, but rather bad lighting conditions.
  • The fact that they grow better then only has something to do indirectly with the lighting.
  • Rather, they are Aquatic plantsthat hardly or not at all grow in such poor light conditions and thus offer the brown algae enough space to spread out.
  • The simplest method is therefore to provide sufficient lighting so that the plants can grow well.
  • The plant growth also promotes floor heating in the basin.
  • Silicic acid plays a not insignificant role in the development of brown algae.
  • Often one has a brown algae problem in new aquariums filled with tap water.

However, it does not help just to reduce the silica content, because the brown algae naturally need other substances to multiply, which are always contained in the water. If you notice an oversupply of nutrients in your aquarium or pond, it is best to use plants with rapid growth that need a correspondingly large amount of nutrients. In addition, one should make sure that the water used is not too hard. Under certain circumstances, it may be sufficient to filter with peat, but it is better to fill in distilled water or osmosis water with every water change.
If you want to rid your pond or aquarium of brown algae, you can of course also remove the water in addition to changing the water Seaweed necessary, because otherwise a brown algae plague will reappear after a few days. Once the water has been removed, you can clean the brown algae from the infested objects with a coarse sponge or a razor blade. Infested parts of the plant do not have to be removed. Sucking off with the help of a sludge bell can also be successful.

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