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A walnut tree wants to stand as free and airy as possible. If this is not the case, it will flourish with a delay or not at all.

In general, you should use plants keep in mind that a walnut can reach a height of 15 or more meters. Of course, a large area must be available for this, both upwards and in terms of width and depth.

Important: Do not place your walnut tree too close to houses or fences to the neighbors. A minimum distance of five meters is advisable.

Sun and winter protection

A walnut tree needs a lot of sun - and protection in the cool season. Because walnuts are very sensitive to frost and can, under certain circumstances, quickly freeze to death. Choose a south-facing location!

Deep ground

In terms of substrate, the walnut tree is a little less demanding. However, he feels most comfortable in a deep, loamy soil. Clay floors are also an option. Loose, nutrient-rich and lime-rich substrate works wonderfully.


Give her Garden soil not come from this combination? Then we advise you to simply mix garden soil with clay and compost.