Kentia palm gets brown leaves

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Possible causes of brown Kentia palm leaves

  • Substrate too moist / too dry
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Location too dark
  • too small pot
  • too low humidity
  • too cool temperatures
  • Pest infestation

Water and fertilize Kentia palm properly

The Kentia palm needs to be watered abundantly in summer without waterlogging. Water less in winter.

also read

  • Why does the Kentia palm get dry leaves?
  • Yellow leaves of Kentia palm - signs of pests
  • Brown tips on the Kentia palm - what to do?

Nutrient deficiency occurs when the palm has not been repotted for a long time and has not been fertilized. Fertilize Them at monthly intervals.

High humidity and a lot of warmth

If the humidity is too low, the Kentia palm suffers from brown leaf tips. Temperatures that are too low also cause the leaves to turn brown.

Create a higher level of humidity by spraying the fronds. Find a location for the Kentia palm that is at least 18 degrees. The palm cannot tolerate cooler temperatures.

The location should also be as bright as possible in full sun. You should only avoid direct sunlight directly behind a pane of glass.

Trim brown leaves correctly

You can use the brown leaves of the Kentia palm cut off. But wait until the sheet is completely brown and dried up is.

Cut the frond with sharp and clean scissors so that a stub of three to four centimeters remains on the trunk of the palm.


The Kentia palm is more common of in an unfavorable location Pests haunted. Usually low humidity is responsible for this.

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