Which one is best?

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The fish find food and protection among plants. They like to use hollow parts of plants as caves to hide and rest. In community aquariums in particular, more dominant ornamental fish can lead to stressful situations. Existing retreat options are then welcome. Catfish such as the blue catfish Ancistrus dolichopterus also need bamboo tubes or wood to grate on.

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Bamboo in the aquarium - what do you have to consider?

Freshen up Bamboo as a plant You cannot use it in the aquarium. All types of bamboo are sensitive to waterlogging. They only last a short time because the roots rot and die. The Lucky Bamboo, a type of yucca palm, as a hydroponic plant, on the other hand, is suitable for an aquarium. It takes nitrate and phosphate out of the water. For this he needs iron fertilizer in the root area, otherwise the Leaves yellow.

Dried bamboo is often offered hollowed out and thus, in addition to the optical effect, also provides good hiding places for various aquarium inhabitants. But be careful! Bamboo canes are usually painted or impregnated. Therefore wash thoroughly and pour hot, not boiling water over it once, so that no toxins, impurities or germs get into the aquarium.

Make sure that the nodes are pierced and that there are no gaps (internodes) with air chambers in the bamboo tube. Or just use halved bamboo tubes. Then the light bamboo sinks to the bottom without having to be screwed to a solid object such as wood or stone.

Is bamboo poisonous in the aquarium?

Good to know: As a plant, bamboo contains and is hydrogen cyanide poisonous. Bamboo charcoal, on the other hand, detoxifies, absorbs odors, regulates moisture, has an antioxidant effect and eliminates electrosmog. More and more aquarium owners and tea connoisseurs appreciate Bamboo water - just give it a try.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to decorate your aquarium with a bamboo bridge or bamboo house, you will find it in stores Bamboo decorations made from seawater-resistant polyester resin, which does not guarantee the water quality impaired.