Does it also thrive in partial shade?

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The lavender, which grows up to one meter high, originally comes from the Mediterranean region. This is characterized by a lot of sun, drought and barren soils. So that the subshrub feels comfortable with you, you should allow it the same conditions. That includes lavender location in full sun if possible needs - im Penumbra or even shade, the plant will not feel particularly comfortable. However, some gardeners may be lucky with a partially shaded place for their lavender, but then the soil must by no means be heavy and / or wet. In particular, white lavender Often thrives in partially shaded locations with dry and sandy soils.

Tips & Tricks

Before you plant your lavender, mix them up first Garden soil strong with sand - preferably in a ratio of 1: 1. Under this substrate mixture is a layer of pebbles several centimeters thick so that excess water cannot be stored, but drains off quickly.