Planting cherry trees in pots »You should pay attention to this

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Characteristics of the column cherry trees

In the meantime, many different and quite robust sweet and sour cherry varieties are offered as column trees in the trade. These require about one meter of space and are ideal for terrace or Balcony plants, but of course also for small gardens.

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The sufficient height, as the fully grown column cherries can reach a height of around 2 to 3.5 m, depending on the variety. The varieties offered are self-fertilizing. The small column cherry trees can already be harvested one to two years after planting, but they do not have a very long life expectancy.

Plant and care for column cherry

Of the Location for the column cherry should be sunny and airy. Depending on the variety purchased, you need a sufficiently large pot or a bucket that is filled with loose, nutrient-rich soil. Since the cherry trees cannot tolerate permanently wet soil, good drainage in the pot should be ensured. However, the soil in the pot must not dry out completely, regular water supply is important.

The column cherries also need an annual cutto the shoot formation, flowering and the rich harvest to maintain and promote. This usually takes place after the harvest. As with a large cherry tree, the removed fruit wood shoots are shortened.

the fertilization the column cherry trees should be made according to the retailer's specifications. The cherry trees planted in pots only have the nutrients available that are put into the potting soil. in the winter need the column cherries if necessary Frost protection. Not only the tree itself, but also the bucket should be covered with a suitable material.