These heavy consumers come into question

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What are heavy consumers?

Plants that consume a lot of energy are plants that need a lot of nutrients for their growth and the formation of fruits, such as all types of cabbage. Since they exhaust the soil so much, heavy horticulturalists are only planted every three years. In the raised bed they come into play in the first year.

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  • Plant raised bed in the 2nd year
  • Plant a raised bed with vegetables
  • Plant the raised bed with herbs

For the raised bed, the following heavy consumers can be cultivated in the first year:

Heavy Eater Prefer under glass sowing outdoors Harvest time
artichoke March to April April to August July to November, January to March
Eggplant February to April May July to September
cauliflower February to June May to June June to October
broccoli March to June May to June June to October
Chinese cabbage May to June June to July September to October
Strawberries April to May or August to September June to October
Cucumber February to May Mid-May to late June June to October
Kale Early April to late July July October to March
Carrots March to June July to November
potatoes March to April April to June July to September
Kohlrabi March to June June to October
pumpkin April to May May to June Late June to October
leek March to May June September to the end of January
Corn Mid-March to April May to June Mid-June to mid-October
Swiss chard April to August July to October
paprika January to April July to October
radish April to September May until October
radish March to August May to November
rhubarb April to May September to December April to August
Brussels sprouts April to May October to March
Beetroot April to June August to November
Red cabbage March to May June to November
celery February to April May September to October
spinach March to April or August to September March, May to June or October
tomatoes January to April July to mid-October
White cabbage & savoy cabbage March to May June to November
zucchini April to May Mid May to June June to October

here you will find the complete sowing and harvesting calendar from the garden journal.

Maintain the raised bed properly

Heavy eaters need a lot of nutrients. If you have layered your raised bed, it is sufficiently supplied with nutrients so that you do not fertilize have to. Otherwise, you should like here described fertilize. However, the heavily consuming plants also need a lot of water. Particularly in need of water are z. B. Tomatoes and pumpkins. It is therefore essential to ensure that there is sufficient water supply, especially on hot summer days. Water in the morning and / or evening when the raised bed is in the shade to prevent evaporation. You can find out more about maintenance here.


Find out in this post which plants are put on the raised bed in the second year.