Blueberries »Store, transport & preserve

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Correct transportation when collecting

At the Collecting the blueberries in the forest or in garden you should always use adequately sized containers so that the individual fruits are not squashed too much. Cultivated blueberries Although the blueberry juice of the forest blueberries does not have the fingers and hands, the fruits are to be closed as gently as possible pickif they are to be kept for a few more days. During the Harvest time for wild blueberries In July, the temptation can be great to nibble on the fruit right in the forest. Nevertheless, these should only ever be in washed or boiled down Form be consumed if infection with the pathogen of the fox tapeworm, which is also dangerous for humans, is to be excluded.

also read

  • Wash blueberries properly before consuming
  • Harvest blueberries properly
  • Freeze blueberries properly

Short-term storage for fresh consumption

If the blueberries are to be kept for fresh consumption, this can be done either at room temperature or in the refrigerator. A

Freeze and later thawing is not recommended for the consumption of the unprocessed fruits, as the consistency of the blueberries in particular suffers. Before storing in the refrigerator, blueberries should be washed with clear water in a bowl and then dried with a little paper towel or on a tea towel. Moisture on the outside of the fruit would encourage mold to grow quickly. For this reason, squeezed fruit should also be picked out of the remaining blueberries before storing them in the refrigerator. Can you do the ripe blueberries do not consume immediately, these hanging on the bush usually keep a lot longer than in picked form.

Preserve blueberries longer

There are basically various options for long-term storage of blueberries:

  • the Boiling down
  • the Freeze
  • processing into blueberry juice
  • drying the blueberries

When boiling down, delicious jams and compotes can be created, while freezing is suitable for processing the fruit in berry sauces and as an ingredient in cakes.

Tips & Tricks

Freeze blueberries in portions if you only want to take them out of the freezer in small quantities later. The single layer spreading and freezing on a tray before repacking in a freezer bag prevents the individual berries from freezing together into a lump.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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