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How should a Tillandsia cyanea be watered?

The small roots play a subordinate role in the supply of a Tillandsia cyanea. Hence the supply of water takes place at this epiphytic Tillandsia species in two ways. How to do it right:

  • Spray Tillandsia cyanea one to three times a week
  • Keep the substrate slightly moist at all times
  • Use only soft, room temperature water

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  • Is Tillandsia cyanea poisonous?
  • Separate and care for Tillandsia cyanea Kindel - this is how it works
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The lower the humidity at the location, the more often a tillandsia will be sprayed. Please do not pour the substrate until it has dried on.

Spray tied tillandsia more often

Creative hobby gardeners like to cultivate a Tillandsia cyanea tied up on surfaces such as branches, stones or cork plates. Under the influence of dry room air, the water requirement increases because the roots are not in the substrate. Therefore, during warm summer periods, spray the roots and leaves with lime-free water every 1 to 2 days.

Does the tillandsia need fertilizer?

Botanists found that Tillandsia absorb vital nutrients primarily through the leaves. Therefore, please add half the concentration of liquid fertilizer to the spray water every week in summer. In winter, extend the time interval to 4 to 6 weeks. The use of a special fertilizer for bromeliads is not absolutely necessary. Commercially available liquid fertilizers for houseplants cover the nutrient requirements more cheaply and just as effectively.

When and how should a Tillandsia cyanea be cut?

The scissors are rarely used on a Tillandsia cyanea. You can only cut off the withered flower stem, provided that it affects the well-groomed appearance. If one of the long, narrow leaves should die, ideally wait until the plant releases it on its own. Pluck out a yellowed leaf to avoid a cut. Alternatively, cut it off with a sharp, disinfected knife.


The Tillandsia cyanea flowers once in its life and then dies. Of course, this is no reason to rush to dispose of the mother plant. At the end of the flowering period, daughter plants form on the plant base. Has a Kindel reaches half the height of its mother plant, cut it off and pot it so that it can continue its bloom.