So you can integrate it into the garden

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High ecological benefits of a tree stump in the garden

A tree stump in the garden may be a nuisance to some gardening enthusiast, but the ecological benefits are undeniable. Many insects and small living things find shelter and food in the waste wood.

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  • Integrating a tree stump in the garden
  • Creatively beautify a tree stump optically
  • Green a tree stump decoratively

The tree stump will decompose over time if it isn't sealed will. This releases nutrients that the Garden soil is enriched.

Last but not least, the garden owner saves a lot of work and aggravation if he does not remove the stump with a grinder or a rope hoist. This work results in high costs and the garden is often heavily devastated.

Use a tree stump as a garden table

So that the tree stump doesn't seem so annoying, just use it! A garden table that is attached to the tree stump is useful, practical and decorative at the same time.

Therefore saw Cut the stump very straight at a convenient height. Make durable you don't necessarily have to, as the table top that is screwed on later prevents moisture from penetrating the wood.

A round plate is screwed onto the stump in such a way that it rests straight on. Secure it with several screws so that the garden table does not wobble later. Now all you have to do is set up a few garden chairs and you can drink coffee on the former tree stump.

Build playground equipment from a tree stump

A tree stump can also be used to build playground equipment for the children. For example, you can make a seesaw out of it. For this you need a sufficiently long board that you place in the middle on the Tree trunk attach.

A rope for tightrope dancing can also be attached very well to the tree stump.

Use tree stump for decorative garden design

A tree stump can be greened very well or hidden with suitable climbing plants.


If you only have the Tree roots in the garden, you can do this very well plant, and use it as a decorative eye-catcher in the garden. You can even sow lawn on it.

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