Walnut tree in the garden »The advantages and disadvantages

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Advantages of a walnut tree in the garden

The walnut was named Tree of the Year in 2008. No wonder, after all, when healthy, it produces wonderfully tasty walnuts. The tree owes its enormous popularity to this fact.

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But the plant has a lot more to offer, even if it doesn't necessarily look like that at first glance: the walnut

  • presents itself with a stocky, rather clumsy habitus.
  • is one of those trees that sprout very late in spring.
  • has no showy flowers and no special autumn colors.
  • is the first bare tree in autumn because it sheds its leaves quickly.

But it is precisely in these supposedly unattractive properties that there are great advantages:

The fact that the walnut tree only has its leaves so briefly makes it an excellent house tree: In spring it only provides shade when its owners are too wish, and in autumn it ensures that the sun can shine through its crown again at the time when it begins to become a little weaker and therefore very pleasant.

In addition, the walnut tree is characterized by the finest wood and the best nuts. Apart from the fact that the silvery bark and the gnarled branches give it character.

Note: The walnut comes into its own on its own.

Disadvantage of a walnut tree in the garden

The biggest (potential) disadvantage of a walnut tree is its enormous size. It grows up to an average of 25 meters, sometimes even 30, and develops a crown with a diameter of up to 15 meters. In short, you should only have one Plant walnutwhen you have enough space in your garden.

Recommendation: Otherwise there is still the good option of a small variety of walnut to cultivate.

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