The growth of the hemp palm

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How much does a hemp palm grow per year?

The growth of a hemp palm depends on the right one Location and good care. Up to ten new leaves develop each year.

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Fewer new leaves appear in unfavorable locations and the hemp palm grows more slowly overall.

Why doesn't the hemp palm grow?

The hemp palm grows If it does not grow or if it stops growing altogether, it is mostly due to a wrong location or poor maintenance.

  • Lack of light
  • too much / too little moisture
  • Nutritional deficiency

Hemp palms need a lot of light. They do not form new leaves in dark locations. Only if the palm receives at least two to three hours of direct sunlight every day will the growth rate increase.

In addition, the hemp palm must be properly watered and fertilized. It does not tolerate complete dryness or waterlogging.

No rest in winter

In contrast to other palm species, the hemp palm does not take a break in winter, but continues to grow. However, the growth rate is much slower than in summer.

The reason for this is to be found in the lack of light during winter. The sun shines too seldom to ensure adequate growth.

A hemp palm should be watered regularly even in winter. If necessary, you can do them too fertilizeif you don't overdo it.


A hemp palm is considered to be an adult when the trunk height is approximately one meter. From this point on, hemp palms begin to bloom. The palm is dioecious, so it bears either female or male flowers.

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