Here's how to prepare them for the frost

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How can mandarins be frozen?

There are several ways in which you can conveniently store tangerines in your freezer.

  • Freeze the whole fruit
  • Freeze fruits as individual wedges
  • Press fruits and freeze the juice
  • Freeze tangerine wedges in syrup

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Freeze the whole fruit

Regardless of which option you choose, the freshness and optimal quality of the fruit are always important. If you want to freeze the mandarins whole, wash and dry them thoroughly. Then put two to three fruits in a freezer bag and seal it as airtight as possible. The mandarins stay fresh in the freezer for about 10 months.

Freeze the fruit in pieces

If you would like to freeze individual mandarins, carefully peel the fruit and remove any white skins. Place each slice on a tray and put it in the freezer. As soon as the mandarins are frozen, put them in a suitable freezer can or bag. Don't forget the freeze date!

Freeze fruit as juice or in syrup

Freezing mandarin juice is extremely easy. To do this, press the fruit and freeze the juice in suitable cups. Ice cubes made from tangerine juice are also possible and a nice decoration in a glass of sparkling wine. Another way to freeze mandarins is to first soak them in syrup and then freeze them.

Freezing in syrup, explained step by step

  1. Make a syrup using 3 1/4 cups of sugar and 5 cups of warm water. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
  2. Now prepare the tangerines. Peel the fruit and remove the white membranes. Divide the fruit into individual segments.
  3. Place the fruit in suitable freezer jars or glass containers.
  4. Now pour enough syrup over the mandarins so that they are covered.
  5. Seal the cans or jars, mark them with the current date and put them in your freezer.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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