When, how much and with what?

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Fertilize twice a year

Peonies should be eaten twice a year fertilize. But it is not absolutely necessary. But the fertilization supports the growth of the plant and stimulates its flowering ability. For the first time, consider your Peony in the 2nd Or 3. Fertilize standing year. In the 1st Fertilization is not advisable in the year of standing.

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The first application of fertilizer takes place in early / mid-March, i.e. when the peony sprouts. This fertilization is used to promote budding and a rich flowering. The second application of fertilizer takes place directly after flowering. It serves to strengthen the plant for the coming garden year.

Do not fertilize any more from September

Shrub peonies in particular, which are not pruned back rigorously in autumn, in contrast to perennial peonies, should not be fertilized too late. The second fertilization should be carried out by September at the latest. Otherwise there is a risk that the shoots can no longer mature properly and the

winter about to be damaged by frost.

Suitable fertilizers - organic

Peonies are considered to be poor eaters and they can still find nutrients deep in the soil. Nevertheless, particularly nutrient-poor and sandy soils should be regularly upgraded with fertilizer. The following are suitable for fertilization:

  • compost
  • Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) or horn meal
  • Manure
  • Bone meal

In principle, you should prefer an organic fertilizer, as it decomposes slowly and is therefore also slowly absorbed. Chemical fertilizers like the popular blue grain often lead to yellowing of the leaves.

Ratio of potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen

Peonies do not need high doses of nutrients. But if they are fertilized, care should be taken that the fertilizer is not too overloaded with nitrogen and phosphorus. The fertilizer of choice should be high in potassium and contain less phosphorus. Too much nitrogen promotes the development of fungal diseases.

Apply the fertilizer correctly

If your peony isn't straight transplant you can fertilize them. First of all, weeds are removed from the plant. Then the fertilizer is sprinkled over the root area. With a hand cultivator, the fertilizer can now be carefully and gently worked into the soil. Caution: The root tubers that are close to the surface are very sensitive!


At the right time, fertilizing can even protect against kinking the long flower stalks. The fertilizer acts like a support from the inside and strengthens the stems.