These plants offer opaque protection

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Different types of privacy screen planting

Whether it is a large, park-like garden or a relative one small terraced garden depending on the situation on site, different types of plants with special growth forms can be used as privacy screens. Probably the most common form of natural privacy screen are in the garden Privacy hedgeswith which a living barrier between your own garden property and adjacent properties or roads. To meet your own requirements for garden design and also to look from higher up To be able to screen off balconies in certain cases, there are also visual protection options the end flowering bushes, high Trees or Climbing plants at.

also read

  • The right plants for effective privacy protection on the balcony
  • Versatile privacy protection ideas for the garden
  • Japanese garden: choosing the right privacy screen

Plants for an evergreen hedge

Evergreen shrubs and hedge trees are particularly good for planting Property line or as a terrace border, as they can serve as a natural privacy screen in the garden all year round without restriction. Popular types of plants for this purpose are:

  • Thuja species
  • Yew trees
  • Cherry laurel
  • Boxwood
  • Spruce trees

Note that when planting evergreen hedges as a privacy screen, certain statutory distance regulations and height restrictions must be observed. In addition, hedges made from yew trees or the column cypress Thuja Smaragd usually mean less annual maintenance than vigorous hedge cypresses or cherry laurel plants.

Plant a privacy hedge out of bushes

If you like the somewhat monotonous green of an evergreen Privacy hedge is too boring, you can also plant a hedge out of flowering shrubs. The effect of such a shrub hedge is particularly aesthetic when the expansive ones The bushes are not planted in a strict line, but rather offset to the sides will. You should also consider the respective flower color and flowering time of the plants when planning. In this way you can later enjoy the delicate scent of flowers throughout the entire gardening season and provide important food for bees and other insects.

Trees and climbing plants as privacy screens

In the vicinity of multi-storey residential buildings, views into the garden from above are just as problematic as from the sides. You can achieve a roof-like privacy screen by planting trees or by planting vigorous climbing plants. For planting trellises and arbors, in addition to the classic grapevines, climbing plants such as hops, clematis, Trumpet flower and and ivy are used.


In principle, a large number of plant species are suitable for planting the property line, but sufficient distances to the neighboring properties should always be maintained.

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