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When is the best harvest time?

Mugwort should be harvested just before it begins to flower. It is best to take a close look at the plant: Are the flower buds on the shoots still closed? If they have already opened, harvesting is less recommended.

also read

  • Interesting facts about the flowering period of mugwort
  • Dry mugwort and then?
  • Is mugwort poisonous?

After the flowers have opened, the leaves of the plant taste unpleasantly bitter and can spoil the taste of food. The reason: The plant protects itself against predators. After all, it wants to reproduce... The flowering usually begins between the end of June and July.

Harvest mugwort: where and how?

Anyone who has mugwort in their own garden knows where to find it. It likes to spread out there, so that over the years the plants multiply. Otherwise, you can often find mugwort on roadsides, roadsides and on rubble sites with stony rubble.

Mugwort can be harvested without gloves and simply armed with scissors. He is though not poisonous, but allergy sufferers should be careful. The abundant pollen of mugwort quickly causes allergic reactions.

The shoot tips, which are usually richly covered with flower buds, are cut off with scissors. They should be around 15-20 cm long. Then the cut shoots are tied together and taken home ...

What happens after the harvest?

The mugwort can be used fresh. However, it is usually unrealistic to consume such large quantities immediately, as mugwort has a strong flavor. So it is best if you have the Dry mugwort .

That's how it's done:

  • tie into small bouquets
  • hang up in a shady place
  • alternatively, dry in the dehydrator at low temperatures
  • store in sealable containers after drying
  • can be used for fatty and heavy dishes, tea, for smoking and for healing purposes

Tips & Tricks

The root of mugwort can also be harvested. This should preferably be done in late autumn.