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List of useful insects

  • Bees
  • Lacewing
  • Hornets
  • Bumblebees
  • Dragonflies
  • Ladybug
  • Catchy tunes
  • Predatory bugs
  • Parasitic wasps
  • Butterflies
  • Hoverflies
  • Wasps

Of course, there are many other types of insects that can be of great benefit to you garden provide. Since these are mostly subspecies of the animals listed, the list is initially limited to the species mentioned.

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  • These shrubs attract insects to the garden
  • Fight pests with insects
  • How do insects spend the winter?

What are the benefits of insects?

It would also go beyond the scope of this article to enumerate the benefits of each individual animal. This alone makes it clear how fundamental insects are for a functioning ecosystem. Nevertheless, we do not want to withhold the most important advantages from you:

Benefit to humans

First of all, the optics are listed. The trained gardener knows that in his hobby it is not important that everything in the beds is completely sterile. A garden is a living space that is constantly changing. A habitat that houses various animal species and protects them from extinction. It is all the more delightful when the butterflies frolic around the colorful flowers or the dragonflies dance over the garden pond.

In addition, bees are clearly noticeable as beneficial insects. Try your hand at beekeeping and produce your own honey. If you are interested, you are sure to find a beekeeping association near you.

Benefits for plants

Most insect species are natural predators of Pests and thus preserve the health of your flowers. Other insects pollinate your crops. Without them, some trees or bushes would in some cases not even be able to survive.

Note: Every animal is really useful to nature in some way.

Promote beneficial insects in the garden

There are several ways to benefit from the benefits of insects options:

  • Insect hotels
  • Nest boxes
  • Wild herbs
  • Butterfly and bee pastures