When, how and where?

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Semen procurement

You can get snapdragon seeds in every well-stocked garden center. If you have already grown the plant in your garden, you can harvest the seeds yourself after flowering. Let this dry for a while on kitchen paper and keep it until you see it sowing in small paper bags in a place protected from light.

also read

  • Prefer snapdragons, that's how it's done
  • How do I know if my snapdragon is hardy?
  • Planting snapdragons, so go ahead and do it right

Sow directly in the field

From April you can sow the snapdragon directly in the field. The substrate should be rich in humus and well loosened so that the seeds germinate without problems. Since the snapdragon is a light germ, these must not be covered with earth, or at best covered with a thin layer of earth. Spread a net over the seeds to protect them from hungry birds.

Prefer in the house

If you want to be sure that as many seeds as possible will sprout, it is advisable to have the snapdragon in the house preferable. Since the snapdragon is a cold germ, seeds that you have collected yourself have to be stratified beforehand. Put the seeds mixed with some sand in the refrigerator for a few weeks. Then do the following:

  • Growing vessels with special Potting soil fill and press lightly.
  • Spread seeds on the surface but do not cover with soil.
  • Moisten carefully with a sprayer. Make sure that the seeds are not washed away.
  • Place in a bright location with temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees.
  • In order to create an artificial greenhouse climate, it is advisable to put a hood or a transparent plastic bag over the vessel.
  • Keep evenly moist.

Under these conditions, the snapdragon often germinates after a week. If you don't lose patience, you won't see any green tips. Sometimes the snapdragon takes its time and takes about three weeks to germinate.

The plants can go outdoors as early as the beginning of May to be transplanted. In very rough areas, however, you should wait until after the ice saints, as late ground frosts could damage the young plants.


If the snapdragon feels comfortable in its location, it often makes up itself. It then even thrives wild between stones, in front of dry house walls and in unplanted areas in the flowerbed.

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