Help: Efeutute gets brown / black spots

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Efeutute gets brown spots - titles

table of contents

  • Too much water
  • Wrong location
  • Fertilization error
  • Winter quarters too cold
  • Drafts
  • Leaf spot disease
  • frequently asked Questions

If the Efeutute If you get brown or black spots, you need to act. Find out what the causes of black or brown spots are and how to combat them in this guide.

In a nutshell

  • Stains indicate care errors
  • fungal diseases are less common
  • Do not overwater or fertilize crops incorrectly
  • The location has to be right
  • Cold is also one of the causes

Too much water

Brown or black spots are an indication of too much moisture. Efeututen don't need a lot of water as long as the substrate is always a little moist. They can become overhydrated quickly, which shows in the discoloration. Fortunately, in most cases this is not root rot, which can still be prevented at this point. Check the substrate for moisture. If the substrate is wet and not damp, you should stop watering for the next time. When an efeutute has to be poured can be found out by means of a finger test:

  • Press your fingers into the substrate
  • about 2 cm deep

The top layer must be dry before the plant should be watered. That is, it is watered as needed. If the substrate is too wet, it is best to repot.

Wrong location

In addition to overwatering, brown to black spots can appear on the leaves of the ivy if it is incorrectly positioned. Epipremnum aureum is sensitive to unsuitable locations and shows this in a variety of symptoms. In the case of dark spots, the plants lack light. This can also be seen in the loss of the leaf pattern that is characteristic of the plant. As a result, the leaf is only completely green and has dark spots. You must immediately relocate the plant for it to recover. The location as follows:

  • Light requirement: permanently bright
  • avoid direct midday sun
  • Temperature around 20 ° C

It is true that the Efeutute regains its strength, the colored leaves remain. Cut these off so that the plant can develop new ones.

Efeutute needs a lot of light

Tip: Use the color of the leaves as a reference for the amount of light you need. Species with lighter leaves require more light than dark foliage ivy.

Fertilization error

You can not just water the plant incorrectly. If the Efeutute receives the wrong amount of fertilizer, brown spots are the result. The main reason for a nutrient excess is when you have given too much fertilizer over a short period of time or over the winter. The reason for the leaf spots is the acidification of the substrate, which damages the roots. That in turn leads to the stains. Test the pH of the substrate to see if it is too acidic. Then it is important that you follow the steps below:

  • Repot the plant
  • Remove substrate from roots
  • Check roots
  • remove damaged or dead ones
  • plant in fresh substrate

Do not fertilize immediately after repotting. You can prevent further over-fertilization if you consider the nutrient requirements of the tropical plant. These tips will help you to properly fertilize the efeutute:

  • do not fertilize in winter
  • Fertilization period: March to the end of October
  • Fertilizer rhythm liquid fertilizer: every two to three weeks
  • Fertilizer rhythm Fertilizer sticks: every three to four months
  • Apply liquid fertilizer over irrigation water

Note: An undersupply of nutrients becomes noticeable in a weakened plant. There are no spots to be seen, the leaves just lighten.

Efeutute gets brown spots

Winter quarters too cold

In winter, make sure that your efeutute is not too cold. It requires permanent temperatures of 14 ° C to 16 ° C over the winter time. It slowly dies below 12 ° C, which is reflected in dark spots on the leaves. The cold problem can also be recognized by the following leaf symptoms:

  • become soft
  • hang limply down
  • slowly turn transparent

Over time, the entire plant can die from cold shock. To prevent this problem, you need to change the location of the Epipremnum aureum or increase the temperature as soon as possible. Over time, the plant recovers. Remove leaves that are still not doing better afterwards.

Note: During the winter, pay attention to the humidity at the same time. Dry heating air weakens the plant even more, making it significantly more susceptible to brown or black spots.


In addition to the cold, a constant draft is not good for the efeutute. If it is permanently on the train, it begins to weaken and form dark spots. The symptoms are similar to those of winter quarters that are too cold, but can also occur in summer. It is completely sufficient if you change the location of the plant so that it is no longer in the train. This is an excellent way of preventing this problem.

Leaf spot disease

Another cause of black or brown spots on the Epipremnum plants is leaf spot disease. It is caused by various fungi and is caused by general care mistakes in Efeututen, especially the overhydration described above. However, the spots are clearly different from the others and can be recognized by the following features:

  • almost round
  • lighter core
  • dark to black edges
  • Leaves wither
  • fall off
brown spots on the efeutute

The disease affects the whole leaf and the spots show up in every place. A pattern is not recognizable. The individual spots can merge into one another. Unfortunately, leaf spot fungus infestation is very difficult to remove. You need a fungicide for this, for example from manufacturers such as Compo. They are used according to the manufacturer's instructions. Furthermore, you should pay attention to the following points so that the plant does not fall ill again:

  • remove affected leaves
  • repot
  • Avoid care mistakes

frequently asked Questions

How are dead efeututen disposed of?

Efeutute absorbs large amounts of pollutants such as carbon dioxide from the air and stores them. For this reason, the crop should not be disposed of on the compost. The pollutants could pollute the compost, making it unsuitable for use in the garden. The residual waste, on the other hand, is ideal.

What should be considered when buying the plants?

So that you do not have problems with the efeututes straight away, you should check them carefully for signs of weakness and stains before buying. It is not uncommon for the plants to suffer from incorrect storage conditions. In most cases it is not worth investing money in these copies.

What is the cause of yellow leaves?

If the foliage turns yellow, it is root rot. In this case, take the crop out of the pot and check the roots for moisture damage and mold. You have to repot them afterwards and water them much more carefully.