In which location does he feel most comfortable?

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A good location in the garden

Grows really well Ivy in the gardenif you place it in a location where it receives light but not too much direct sunlight. Therefore, partially shaded places without direct midday sun are ideal.

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The soil must be well loosened, waterlogging must be avoided at all costs.

Prepare the soil before planting by mixing in some compost. Ivy does not have any particular preference for the substrate.

Ivy as a houseplant

Ivy will like in the bedroom because it filters the air and removes mold spores. But the plant is also in good hands in the bathroom.

Make sure there is enough light in the room. However, do not place the ivy in a flower window where it is exposed to direct midday sun. If necessary, shade him during this time. Only variegated varieties need direct sun for at least four hours in the morning or evening for the colors to develop.

Sufficient humidity is even more important than light. The air is often too dry, especially in winter. Spray the ivy with water more often and place bowls of water near the plants.


As a young plant, ivy doesn't like it too bright. The older it gets, the better it can withstand direct sunlight. In the Age form too much sun doesn't bother him anymore.