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Why not water the candytuft too often?

the Candytuft does not like damp soils and waterlogging even more. On the other hand, it copes well with dry soils. For these reasons, you shouldn't water the candytuft too much. Outside, it basically only needs to be watered when the heat and drought persist. This perennial needs regular watering, especially if it is grown in pots, for example on the balcony.

also read

  • When is the candytuft in the middle of its heyday?
  • Candytuft - hardy, yes or no?
  • For what purpose and how should the candytuft be cut?

Which fertilizers are suitable?

The candytuft doesn't need a lot of fertilizer:

  • mineral fertilizers are suitable
  • twice fertilize per year is enough
  • fertilize the first time in spring and the second time in June
  • Fertilization stimulates the flower flora
  • Fertilization can stimulate re-flowering
  • Liquid fertilizers are suitable
  • like to fertilize with lime

When and how do you cut the candytuft correctly?

In spring you should cut back your candytuft heavily. For this cut, remove all parts up to 10 cm above the ground. Furthermore, you can regularly remove diseased and yellowed leaves over the course of the season. In the fall of the

Heyday can possibly cut back to rejuvenate the candytuft.

Do you have to overwinter the candytuft?

Since the candytuft is well hardy in this country, it does not need to be overwintered. Only when temperatures drop below -10 ° C is it advisable to cover the candytuft with a layer of fir branches. It is down to -15 ° C hardy.

Which pests and diseases can become a nuisance?

The candytuft is not susceptible to disease or pests. It can be attacked by aphids in particularly hot and dry periods. One of the most common illnesses is the falling sickness. In this case, the plant should be dug up and disposed of immediately. When other diseases like mildew occur, affected parts of the plant should occur quickly cut off will.


When it comes to caring for the candytuft, less is often more. Basically, this plant does not need any care in order to survive.

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