When and how does it work best?

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The best time to transplant the lilac

Before you get one but hopefully spade want to pick up and get started, take a look at the calendar first. If the lilac is supposed to survive, so plants Do not change it in the middle of the growing season - spring and especially summer are a bad season for it. Better to wait until autumn or early spring to transplant. The easiest way to move the wood is in March or early April at the latest.

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Can you still move an old lilac?

In addition to the season, that is also age the lilac itself is an important criterion for the success of your project. Younger lilacs up. approx. ten years can usually be moved to another location more or less without any problems. However, if your specimen is already a few decades old, you should carefully consider transplanting - these lilacs often have a wide variety of flowers that extend over many meters in a circumference

Root system and take serious damage by capping this system. So you would have to put such a shrub or tree on the stick (i.e. H. radical up to approx. Cut back 30 centimeters above the ground) and only then move.

Implementing lilacs - this is how it works

In any case, pruning before transplanting is immensely important. Since the roots are damaged when transplanting, the remaining roots can no longer adequately feed the shrub. Hence this is Cut back a must so that the lilac can put its strength into root growth and not have to desperately try to nourish its above-ground parts of the plant (in vain). That's how it works:

  • First cut back the lilac by at least a third.
  • The older the lilac, the more it has to be pruned.
  • You can also put him on the stick, i.e. H. Shorten to 30 centimeters above the floor.
  • Now cut off the ground around the lilac with the spade.
  • The radius should be at least the size of the shrub before pruning.
  • Drive the spade deep into the leaf.
  • Now take one Digging fork and loosen the root ball by gently shaking it back and forth.
  • Lift out the root ball together with the lilac.
  • Feel free to leave a generous amount of soil at the roots.
  • Now dig a planting hole that is at least twice as large and deep as the root ball.
  • Fill it completely with water and wait for it to drain away.
  • Mix that up Excavation with compost and wood shavings.
  • Plant the lilac back in.
  • Water it regularly over the coming days and weeks.

The lilac blossom fails at least in the first year after transplanting. Some specimens take several years to bloom again.


Instead of repositioning the whole lilac, you can just as well Root saplings or cuttings cut off and plant them again at the desired location.

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