This keeps the lawn healthy and lush green

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the essentials in brief

  • The lawn needs different measures in every season
  • In winter the lawn is dormant and should be walked on as little as possible
  • The lawn should be mowed regularly during the growth phase, when the weather is dry and not too hot
  • Scarifying helps with moss and weeds, lime with acidic soil and moss growth

Overview: The right lawn care throughout the year

Most people probably know that as a lawn owner you should occasionally mow between May and September and also water the lawn on hot days. So that is Lawn care but not yet dealt with, because a healthy lawn needs attention all year round. For this reason, at the beginning of this guide there is a list of the necessary work, which we have staggered according to the season for a better overview.

also read

  • Lawn care in autumn: How to make your lawn winter-proof
  • Fantastically beautiful lawn - the 10 best tips for lawn care
  • Lawn care in winter - tips and tricks against moss
Lawn care: Annual calendar for lawn care

Lawn care in spring

Spring includes the months of March to May. Now it is a matter of removing the traces of winter and repairing damage to the lawn cover caused by frost, moisture and snow. In addition, the lawn must be made fit for the new season so that the grasses sprout vigorously and healthily.

Work to be done Ideal time execution
Removal of dead lawn grass March to April Rake through the lawn with a leaf rake
Scarifying March to April electrically or by hand
First fertilization Beginning to mid-March at at least ten degrees Celsius Spreading a lawn fertilizer
Fight moss at the time of the first fertilization Lawn fertilizer use with moss fighter
First mowing approx. ten days after the first fertilization do not cut too deep, repeat regularly
Repair lawn from April Re-sow bald spots
New installation from April New creation of a lawn including careful soil preparation


A beautiful, green and healthy lawn is difficult to develop on clayey soils in damp areas. On such floors, it can make sense to lay a turf on a bed of sand and gravel. This ensures good drainage, and lawns should always be slightly sloping. This is the only way that water cannot stand on the lawn.

Lawn maintenance in summer

lawn care

The lawn should be mowed several times in summer

The summer months between June and August also mean a lot of stress for a lawn: The area is now particularly demanding, as it is often walked on. The grasses are also troubled by heat and drought. This work is due this time of year.

Work to be done Ideal time execution
Regular mowing April to September, every five to seven days don't cut too short
irrigation once or twice a week, preferably early in the morning or when the sky is overcast Plan for 10 to 20 liters of water per square meter so that the grass roots deeper (under no circumstances should you water in small doses daily!)
Second lawn fertilization from June Slow release fertilizer use
Weed control from June Find out the cause of weed growth, e.g. B. Eliminate unsuitable pH value and cause, use fertilizer with weed killer

Lawn care in autumn

There is still plenty to do between September and November so that the lawn starts well into the winter rest phase and survives the cold season with as little damage as possible.

Work to be done Ideal time execution
mowing until October / possibly also until November do not mow too deep
Third lawn fertilization September to October Use fertilizers with a high concentration of potassium to make the grasses more resistant to pathogens and frost
Repair / new installation September to October in warm weather conditions
Removal of autumn leaves from October on Rot can develop under a mulch of leaves, so remove leaves by gently raking them

Lawn maintenance in winter

lawn care

In winter the lawn should be walked on as little as possible

The lawn is in hibernation between November and February. During this time, you should enter the area as little as possible, which is especially true in frosty weather and snowfall. By the way, the ideal time for liming the lawn is early spring: the chances are particularly good in February. Alternatively, late autumn between October and November is also well suited for this measure.


Lay out the lawn correctly and avoid problems

Many lawns have to struggle with diseases and weeds because they were simply sown in too dark a location. Especially under a dense canopy of leaves, grasses do not thrive well because both light and The scarcity of water as well as the drops falling from the leaves reduce the grass growth considerably hinder. Moss is often the result.

Mow and trim regularly

Mowing the lawn is one of the most important lawn care measures. Regular mowing ensures that the grasses are stimulated to grow again and again and thus become dense and upright Sward form. Weeds hardly have a chance to get through here.

When and how often do you mow?

Depending on the region and the weather, the mowing season begins between March and April and ends between October and November. How often you actually have to mow depends on the type of lawn. For example, lawns for use have to be cut back significantly more often than a wildflower meadow, for example. In addition, the weather determines the frequency of the cut, since the growth of the grass depends on the weather. When it is dry, for example, grasses grow very slowly and therefore need to be mowed less often than in rainy and warm phases. Basically, the rule of thumb is that you should mow about once a week. The lawnmower stays in the shed when it is frosty.

The right time

lawn care

Lawn should be mowed when it is neither damp nor too warm

Lawns are best mowed when the grass is dry. The early morning hours and shortly after a downpour are therefore canceled as times for a lawn cut. The hot midday hours are also not suitable, as the grass is only exposed to stronger stressors. Therefore, if possible, avoid the early evening hours.

At what height should lawn grasses be mowed?

Under no circumstances should the lawn be mowed too deeply, as this creates unsightly bald spots and also encourages the growth of moss and weeds. If possible, stick to the so-called rule of thirds, according to which the grasses are always trimmed by a third of their current height. A lawn that has grown six centimeters high is shortened by two centimeters according to this rule and thus has afterwards a height of four centimeters - the grasses of a utility lawn should not be cut back much lower will.

What to do with the lawn clippings after mowing?

The clippings that arise when mowing the lawn do not belong in the garbage, but can still be used very well in the garden.

  • compost: Mix the freshly cutted lawn with other compost materials or apply it as a thin layer between other layers of compost. Composting preserves the nutrients from the grass and ensures a balance between carbon and nitrogen in the compost heap.
  • Mulch material: You don't just have to let the clippings rot on top of the compost, you can also distribute them between vegetable beds or under bushes and trees. Here the material provides additional nutrients and at the same time prevents weed growth.
  • Lawn fertilization: If you mow with a special mulching lawn mower, you can leave the heavily shredded clippings lying on the lawn as an additional source of nutrients. However, this mulching does not replace fertilization.

Water the lawn properly

lawn care

If possible, lawns should be watered thoroughly in the morning or evening

Lawn grasses consist of 80 to 90 percent water and therefore have a high demand for water - especially when it is dry. On average, you should expect around 2.5 liters of water per square meter of lawn during the summer months. However, this is only an average value, because the actual water requirement depends on various factors:

  • Location: Lawn areas in very sunny, exposed locations generally need more water than lawns in partially shaded areas.
  • weather: The water requirement is also higher on hot summer days than at cooler times.
  • Soil type: Some soils are good water reservoirs, which is why you have to water less here, for example on a light sandy soil.
  • Lawn type: Even with the different types of grass, the water requirements sometimes differ considerably.


The lawn urgently needs to be watered if the stalks do not straighten up again or only very slowly after being stepped on. Imprints should not remain visible for more than 15 to 20 minutes, otherwise it is high time to water. Prefer the early morning hours for watering, as at this time the evaporation rates due to solar radiation and wind are only low. This saves you water. But the lawn can also be watered in the evening, but only at lunchtime if it is really necessary and the plants are thirsty.


Don't make the mistake of watering your lawn in small amounts daily. In doing so, you only ensure that the grasses only develop shallow roots and cannot draw water from the earth themselves. On the other hand, you can achieve deeper rooting if you only use the watering can once or twice a week. Then the soil should be well moistened to a depth of around ten centimeters, which is why you have to irrigate the area with around ten to 20 liters of water per square meter. A rain gauge will help you determine the right amount.

Automatic watering

With such amounts of water, you would prefer not to water your lawn with a watering can. An automatic one Irrigation system(€ 32.95 at Amazon *) is a must, and you can choose between hoses or sprinklers with or without a timer. Sprinklers are the better choice for larger areas, as they tend to achieve even and sufficient humidification.

Scarify and aerate

lawn care

Scarifying is useful when weeds or Moss in the lawn grows

Once a year it is time to remove all thatch, moss and weeds from the lawn. In the spring you should scarify the area with a suitable device, removing both the thatch and making sure that the lawn is aerated.


The best time for this measure is late spring, as the lawn can then best compensate for any damage caused by scarifying with new growth. March and April are the best months for this, although you can do this again between August and September if necessary Scarifier(€ 98.00 at Amazon *) are allowed to grab. So that the measure has the best possible success, you should about ten days before scarifying fertilize.


Do not cut deeper than a maximum of one to two millimeters into the ground, as this will negatively affect the subsequent lawn density and you will primarily want to remove the thatch. Always scarify lengthways and crossways, then remove the scarifying material from the lawn and smooth the surface. The latter is best done with the first lawn cut of the year.

This vivid video shows whether it is better to scarify the lawn electrically or by hand and what you have to pay attention to:


Subsequent work

You may want to reseed after scarifying to close any gaps in the sward. In addition, it now makes sense to distribute coarse sand on the lawn (approx. three to four liters per square meter) to make the soil more permeable. However, this measure is only necessary on compacted and heavy soils. Instead of sand, you can Primary rock meal use, which supplies the lawn with important trace elements at the same time.

Fertilize optimally for beautiful and healthy grass

"Nothing helps about the puny lawn, the right treatment is important."

Proper fertilization is essential for lawn care. All plants - including grasses - need sufficient nutrients in the right composition in order to grow and thrive. Fertilizing three times a year is especially important for regularly mowed lawns in order to replenish the nutrients lost by the cut. In addition to an undersupply, it is also important to avoid over-fertilization, as this also has harmful consequences.

Which fertilizer is particularly suitable for lawn fertilization?

lawn care

The lawn should be fertilized with a slow release fertilizer

For lawn fertilization, choose special long-term fertilizers as possible, as these - in contrast to the fast-acting immediate fertilizers - are difficult to overfertilize. These fertilizers release their nutrients slowly and gradually to the soil, while with short-term fertilizers all the ingredients are immediately available to the plants. This may be useful in the case of deficiency symptoms, but not in normal lawn fertilization.

Another disadvantage of instant fertilizers is that you have to feed your lawn significantly more frequently than this would be the case with a slow release fertilizer - these work for about six to twelve weeks, depending on the product long. Make sure you have one Complete fertilizer To be used with a balanced mix of nutrients. In addition to the most important main nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, minerals and trace elements should also be present.

How much fertilizer is needed?

How much fertilizer you actually have to apply depends largely on the composition of your garden soil. To avoid an over- or under-supply, you should therefore have a soil survey carried out every three years. With the evaluation you will receive specially adapted nutrient recommendations with which you can calculate the required amount of fertilizer. The formula for this is:

The amount of pure nutrients (grams per square meter) multiplied by 100 and then divided by the nutrient content of the fertilizer in percent results in the required amount of fertilizer in grams per square meter

The amount of pure nutrients can be found in the fertilizer recommendation of the soil laboratory, while the percentage nutrient content of the fertilizer is stated on the product packaging. The information always applies to certain nutrients, such as nitrogen.


However, do not apply the calculated amount of fertilizer all at once, but distribute it over three to four annual applications.

How do you apply the fertilizer evenly over the lawn?

It is best to apply the fertilizer on dry lawn so that the granules do not stick to the damp stalks. Use one for even distribution Gritter, but basically nothing speaks against the traditional hand spreading. Here you take the fertilizer granulate in your hand and throw it out broadly. Then sprinkle the lawn so that the fertilizer can seep into the soil. In addition, the area should not be mowed or stepped on for at least two days - especially not by children or pets.

When is the right time to fertilize?

The lawn is ideally fertilized three times a year:

  • Spring fertilization: at the start of the growing season, for regeneration after winter
  • Fertilization in early summer: The need for nutrients is highest in early summer, so fertilizing is done again. This fertilization also strengthens the lawn from the heat.
  • Autumn fertilization: Fertilization with a high concentration of potassium protects the grasses from winter hardships and makes them more resistant to frost.

Liming the lawn - when and with what?

lawn care

If the soil is too acidic, it makes sense to use lime

Due to the repetitive mowing, among other things, but also due to other factors, the pH value of the lawn soil decreases over time. It acidifies, which in turn manifests itself in poorer grass growth and an increased occurrence of undesirable plants such as moss. Ideally, the soil should have a pH value between 5.5 and 6.5, which is why liming the lawn from time to time is a sensible measure.

When should the lawn be limed?

But don't make the mistake of just chalking away. In fact, you should determine beforehand whether it is even necessary to apply lime. For example, so-called pointer plants, which mainly grow on acidic soils, indicate a need. So the increased appearance of moss is sorrel, Horsetail, Pansy, Horn clover or daisies are always a warning sign. A subsequent pH test - either in a specialized laboratory or using test strips from the hardware store - provides clarity. If there is a real need, limescale the lawn in early spring.

How to properly lime the lawn

Lawn or Garden lime(€ 9.70 at Amazon *) (Pure lime is perfectly adequate, additives or any special types of lime such as Algae lime not necessary) you apply in the same way as fertilizer. However, make sure to wear respiratory and face mask, safety glasses and gloves. Apply the lime on a windless, dry day and then let the lawn rest for at least four weeks.


Where can I find a suitable institute for soil analysis?

To find a reputable soil analysis institute near you, you can send a request to the Association of German Agricultural Investigations and Research Institutes (VDLUFA).

frequently asked Questions

What's the point in mulching the lawn?

Normally, mowing removes valuable nutrients from the lawn, and the soil gradually becomes acidic. You can minimize both by leaving the finely chopped clippings on the lawn.

So much moss grows in my lawn. What can I do against it?

Moss in the lawn can have various causes: for example, too little sun shines on the lawn and / or the ground is too damp. Soil with a pH value that is too low is also ideal for moss. Find out the cause and eliminate it, along with the moss. You carefully rake this out of the lawn and re-sow any bald spots.

What criteria do I use to choose the right lawn mix?

Lawn is by no means the same as lawn, as there is the right mixture for every purpose. A classic English lawn, for example, looks beautiful, but is not suitable for heavy use such as children playing. A lawn for use is more useful for this. If, on the other hand, the lawn is to be sown in a more partially shaded location, then choose one Shadow lawn. This makes sense because most grasses prefer sun.


Deep-rooted weeds in the lawn - such as dandelions - should be removed with the help of a weed pick as early as possible and before the seeds are ripe.

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