How well does it tolerate the sun?

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Aloe vera loves sun and warmth. A brighter one Location is essential for the plant to thrive. It is true that the leaves of the aloe vera turn red when exposed to strong, permanent sunlight. However, this does not harm the plant. When the sun's power subsides, Aloe vera regains its green color. However, in some situations it is advisable to protect the plants from too much sun.

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  • Correct temperature for aloe vera
  • Aloe vera is not hardy
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Offshoots and cuttings need sun protection

The for Multiplication The cut offshoots and the cuttings obtained from the leaves are left to dry for several hours and then placed in the containers with sandy ones Earth. The pots are placed in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.

Not too much sun after the winter rest

After this Overwinter you should first get used to the sun and bright light of your aloe vera slowly. It is best to place the plant in a partially shaded place for a few days. Even the aloes bought in summer should not be put into the blazing sun immediately.

Older aloes generally tolerate more sun than younger plants. In any case, the plants standing outdoors in midsummer should be heavily watered. At the same time, it must be ensured that no waterlogging occurs.

Place freshly repotted plants protected from the sun

Repotting also means stress for the robust aloe vera. It is therefore advisable not to expose the freshly repotted plant to strong sunlight immediately, but rather to leave it in for a few days Penumbra to deliver.


In the case of sunburn, the aloe vera gel cools the irritated skin. Aloe vera gel also unfolds its antibacterial effect as a wound healing agent. When treating burn wounds and insect bites, the previously frozen pieces of leaf have a particularly pleasant cooling effect on the skin.

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