This is how you can grow your own vegetable garden

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Sow quinoa

The key data for sowing:

  • Sowing time: mid / end of April
  • Location: full sun, nutrient-poor, well-drained soil, weed-free
  • Sowing depth: 2cm
  • Plant spacing: 15cm

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Where do I get the seeds for my quinoa cultivation from?

Unpuffed organic quality quinoa seeds can be used for growing in the garden. Most of the time the seeds germinate without any problems. You will learn how to germinate your seeds and thus ensure that they are suitable as seeds here. "Real" quinoa seeds are still rare at the moment, but you can find them in selected online stores for growing in Find specialized varieties in Germany: There are “climate-adapted” varieties that are also good in rainy summers survive.

When is the best time to sow?

Quinoa is resistant to cold, but should only be sown when frosts are no longer to be expected. The middle / end of April is therefore ideal.

What is the best location for quinoa?

Quinoa originally comes from the Andes, where it thrives at an altitude of up to 4,500 meters. The Andean grain also tolerates the German climate well, especially in northern Germany. Quinoa thrives best in fine, low-nutrient soils. It should not be planted after legumes that enrich the soil with nitrogen. Instead, the Andean grain is suitable as a follow-up crop for heavy eaters such as potatoes or corn. Quinoa should be in full sun if possible.


Quinoa grows up to one and a half meters high. Thus, the plants cast a lot of shade and take away the light from smaller plants. Keep this in mind when growing in your vegetable patch.

Here's how to grow it

Before sowing, it is necessary to prepare the soil:

  • Loosen the soil thoroughly and remove weeds and larger stones.
  • Do not add compost or fertilizer to the soil!
  • Draw the sowing rows with a row spacing of 30 to 50cm
  • Put the seeds 2cm deep in the soil and keep a planting distance of 15cm.
  • Cover the seeds with soil and water them.


Undemanding grain with a hook

While quinoa needs few nutrients and can handle drought and even cold wonderfully, the Inca grain does not tolerate waterlogging very well. Heavy weed growth also troubles him. Therefore, the soil should be loose and permeable so that rain and irrigation water can drain off and weeds should be weeded regularly. Even if Mulch(€ 13.95 at Amazon *) Weed growth is prevented, the moisture in the soil is increased, which is why Mulching is not recommended for quinoa.

Grooming quinoa in the garden

Quinoa only needs a little water. Therefore only water if it has not rained for several days. You should do without fertilizer entirely. Your only job in caring for your quinoa plants is to pick weeds on a regular basis. The harvest is also a bit tricky. They find out here more on this.

Here you can find out more about quinoa cultivation in Germany:
