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If possible, move roses in autumn

The first step is to choose a suitable time. Roses shouldn't just be as possible replanted in autumn, but also to be replanted at the time of dormancy. Between October and the beginning of December, a rose can cope with the shock of moving much more easily, and then it has still the chance to develop new roots in good time before winter and again in the next spring to drive out. Transplanting in autumn also has the advantage that the rose does not come under heat stress (such as in late spring or even in summer) still runs the risk of increasing due to lack of water and nutrients dry up.

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Before moving the bed, there is the cut back

You should always try to transplant the rose as much as possible without damaging the roots in particular, but this will not be fully implemented - there will always be some damage, the more, the older the plant is. However, kinked or even severed roots also mean that the rose can absorb less water and nutrients, which is why you mainly use the above-ground ones

Cut back the shoots vigorously and, above all, have to remove leaves and any remaining flowers. After digging, it is also important to prune the roots. The shortening of torn or crushed roots ensures that they are less susceptible to pathogens and are also stimulated to sprout again.

Carefully dig out the rose bush

After pruning, you can finally dig up the rose. To do this, first of all draw a trench around the rose bush of about one or two spade Should be deep - the older the rose, the larger the diameter of the circle and the deeper the trench. Also cut through the roots of the plant so that they are not torn off when you lift them out - while doing this The sensitive fine roots are affected much more strongly in front of you than when you cut through them drawn. Finally, pry the rose bush with the help of a Digging fork out of the hole. Remnants of earth can remain on the roots, as they make it easier for the rose to grow in the new location later.

Transporting and storing roses properly

You shouldn't get the rose right away at the new location plant, but instead want to store it first or even transport it to a new place or it is best to wrap the rhizome in damp cloths. These are also enclosed in a plastic bag to protect them from drying out. Roses do not necessarily need to be potted for transport, you can leave them bare-rooted. However, after such an action, it makes sense to water the rose thoroughly before planting by placing the rhizome in a bucket of water for a few hours.

Planting in the new location also requires thorough preparation. This not only includes choosing the right location, but also carefully loosening the soil and, if necessary, improving it. Dig up the earth as deeply as possible and crumble coarse crumbs of earth with a rake. Work on a larger area and not only selectively so that your rose can grow more easily in the loose soil. It continues as follows:

  • The planting hole should be twice as large as the root ball
  • and so deep that the roots are not kinked when planting.
  • Improve the excavation with Rose earth and / or sand, depending on the nature of the soil.
  • Also add some compost as well as a handful or two Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) added.
  • Shake the rose when filling in the soil so that no cavities are created.
  • The planting area is then vigorously compacted.
  • Now pile the rose up to the tips of the shoots around them to protect from the winter cold.
  • This mound of earth remains until late spring and is usually removed by the rain on its own.
  • Also, cover the rose with some fir or spruce veins.
  • Freshly planted roses should also be vigorously watered.

Young roses can cope with a change of location more easily

Young roses that have been in one location for less than five years usually cope better with a move than older ones. Young plants have less thick and long roots (especially their taproot is not that long), but more fiber roots that are closer to the surface. The older a specimen, the thicker its roots and the deeper they reach into the ground. If you want to be on the safe side or has to move a rose that is very rare or very old (and is difficult or not available at all), which cuts the best Cuttings or Cuttings and in this way preserves the plant.


Make sure that the grafting point - unless it is a true-root rose - is about five centimeters below the surface of the ground even when it is replanted.