Blue cypress turns brown

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Causes of the brown discoloration of the blue cypress

  • Too dry
  • Too wet
  • Too much fertilizer
  • Too little fertilizer
  • Frost damage
  • Environmental influences

Choose a convenient location when planting

So that blue cypress trees grow quickly and healthily, make sure that they feel comfortable in their location.

also read

  • The blue cypress and its diseases
  • The growth of the blue cypress per year
  • The growth of the blue cypress

The woods prefer it sunny and warm. They don't like wind at all. Plant blue false cypress trees therefore to a sheltered place where it doesn't get so cold even in winter.

The soil shouldn't be too dry and not too damp. Waterlogging must be avoided in any case. Favor locations that are too humid Diseases and pest infestation.

Avoid care mistakes

Blue cypress trees are quite robust, Care errors they don't forgive so quickly, however. Make sure the soil never dries out completely. In summer you need the blue one False cypress water more often. Make sure, however, that no waterlogging forms.

When it comes to supplying the nutrients, a sure instinct is required. the

Blue cypress tolerates neither a lack of food nor an oversupply of nutrients.

If you Blue cypress trees with a special false cypress fertilizer fertilize, follow the instructions. It is very cheap if you regularly supply the false cypresses with ripe compost. This prevents you from over-fertilizing the plants.

Brown spots from frost or environmental influences

Brown spots in spring indicate that the blue cypress did not survive a cold winter so well. In this case, take care of winter protection in the future.

The blue cypress does not tolerate road salt and urine from dogs and cats. Therefore, you should never close the trees directly on busy roads plantwhere salt is spread in winter or animals regularly do their business.


Pay attention to the Cutting the blue cypress ensure that you do not damage the waste wood. The plant cannot regenerate itself after such damage. The areas that have become brown as a result disrupt the appearance of the false cypress in the long term.