How tall is the stinky ash?

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Location as an influencing factor

In Asia, trees of this type can easily reach 20 m in height. No Location in our latitudes, however, the requirements of this tree will be able to fully meet. The cold winters in particular act as a brake on growth.

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The velvety stinky ash, as we also call the tree, will always remain significantly below its natural possibilities in terms of its size. These are the values ​​that this bee magnet achieves on average in our gardens:

  • Height 10 to 15 m
  • Width 8 to 12 m

The velvety stinky ash can not only develop a sweeping crown over the years. As a deep-rooted species, it conquers the ground invisibly, but just as expansively.

Limitation by lifetime

The wonderfully blooming bee tree lives for many, many years. But compared to other tree species, it is more of a short-lived plant. Ideally, he'll have around 40 years to grow up.

Lean, sandy soils, which the stinky ash finds in some gardens, significantly shorten their life. After about 15 years she is at the end of her strength. The fewer years you go after the
for the growth remain, but the smaller it will remain.


If you can only offer sandy soil to a velvety stinky ash, you should improve it with plenty of compost before planting.

Form of education sets limits

This tree is one of the plants that are compatible with pruning. Many garden owners are happy about this. Because for him that means: with regular Cut he can determine the size of the tree himself. He can even raise it to a low shrub. In this way, the bee tree remains nice and handy and can also be found in a small garden.