Which are currently trending?

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The last official comparison of the devices that are very useful and popular for garden owners by the “Warentest” foundation was seven years ago. So it is all the more gratifying that the editors of “my beautiful garden” in the current February issue are more up-to-date with a representative selection Chopper(€ 124.95 at Amazon *) has taken up this topic once again.

also read

  • Shredding compost - the right shredder for the garden
  • Garden showers put to the test: The good ones are even inexpensive
  • What to do if the chopper is blocked

Much has gotten better with the forage harvesters

In contrast to the usual tests up to now, the eight evaluated devices were not sent to the laboratory for acoustic examinations, but practice-oriented, real gardeners checked them thoroughly using the most common types of clippings and under real conditions Kidneys. Another novelty: The results of the comparison test are not only available to paying readers of the above Garden magazine available, they are (even more detailed than in the print edition) on the online portal released. It is particularly gratifying that, compared to the tests in 2006 and 2011, work safety has improved significantly and that at least no acute noise levels arise when chopping wood.

The "downside": While good compost choppers were still available for 99 euros in 2006, you currently have to dig much deeper into your wallet. The price range for today's, but undoubtedly more powerful, branded forage harvesters currently starts at just under 200 euros and goes up to 1,200 euros for professional devices. Shredding branches with a thickness of 40 to 45 mm is no problem for either type of chopper.

Loud or quiet with a roller or knife?

Since the quieter roller choppers only work at around 50 rpm on average, the working noises are approx. 90 dB cannot be overheard, but still moderate. The devices, which are considerably noisy with 100 to 110 dB, shred the clippings with a rotating knife and If you come to speeds of at least 1,000 rpm, the twigs and branches are processed much faster and finer. For most allotment gardeners, the purchase decision therefore depends largely on the amount of garden waste they produce over the year. We therefore recommend interested parties to read the last part of the test report carefully, because with one On average garden or property size between 500 and 5,000 square meters, shredders usually run for a maximum of two days in Year. At least once a year we garden owners have a common problem that can be just as complicated.

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