Flowering time, appearance and interesting facts

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Optical features

  • Shape: umbels
  • A striking number of flowers on an umbel
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  • Raridary symmetrical
  • Long stamens
  • Color (s): mostly white to cream, but also red or yellow

Note: Eucalyptus species with red or yellow blooms are not hardy.

also read

  • How do you propagate a eucalyptus?
  • Propagate a eucalyptus azura
  • Hibernate the eucalyptus

Development of the flower

The eucalyptus flower is pollinated by insects or birds. First, the bud, a capsule called an operculum, envelops the flower. The name eucalyptus is derived from this property. The name comes from the Greek and means

  • Beautiful (eu)
  • Cap (calyptus)

This refers to the cap that the operculum is visually reminiscent of. When the flower unfolds, this cover bursts. The flower later develops into a cone-shaped one Capsule fruit.

Why isn't my eucalyptus blooming?

If your eucalyptus isn't blooming, it's not because of a wrong one Location. There are two possible causes:

  • It's about a home grown plant.
  • The eucalyptus is still too young.

The propagation of a eucalyptus is mainly with the method of

sowing very successful and easy. The only downside to this inexpensive approach is that the eucalyptus will not flower in this case.
You should also know that the eucalyptus rarely blooms after a year. Often you have to be patient for four to five years.

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