How hardy is the fruit tree?

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Excellent winter hardiness

It may surprise you, but this warmth-loving tree can withstand cold temperatures as low as -30 ° C. Because of this, the apricot tree can theoretically be planted anywhere in our country. But you don't just want your own leaves admire, but also harvest many aromatic fruits, things look different.

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In winters with little or no snow, don't forget to water this fruit tree every now and then.

Flowers do not tolerate frost

If the Apricot tree does not bear, this is mostly due to the freezing cold during the flowering period, which is a real destroyer of the harvest. Because while the tree remains vital even after long negative periods, its flowers do not survive even short-term values ​​around freezing point.

The situation is made worse by the fact that this tree also blooms quite early. The first flowers can appear as early as the end of winter. At a time when late frosts can still occur frequently. Especially in rough regions of the country.

That is why this tree must be given a protected location despite its good winter hardiness. Only there he becomes his size wear accordingly rich.

Protect blossoms

At the time of budding, it is important to keep both heat and cold away from the tree. That sounds contradicting at first, but the background is as follows: Too much sunshine would encourage the tree to sprout early. Frosts, on the other hand, would Let already existing flowers freeze to death. These measures are helpful:

  • Shade the tree in spring to delay flowering
  • especially on sunny days
  • regardless of temperature
  • Protect blossoms / branches from announced late frosts
  • Wrap twigs with fleece
  • Warm the root area with a thick layer of straw or leaves

Protect trunk

In winter, the apricot tree is only threatened if intense solar radiation is added to the freezing temperatures. Then the shiny bark of the tree starts to crack on the side facing the sun.

Wooden slats, which are leaned against the trunk at an angle, shade the tree and thus prevent cracked bark. A white lime line also protects the trunk because it reflects a large part of the solar radiation.

Apricot trees in the bucket

An apricot tree remains hardy even in the bucket. Nevertheless, his pot should be covered with warming fleece and placed in a protected place. Alternatively, he can also come to a frost-free, light winter quarters.

In the pot, the apricot tree must be watered modestly but regularly, even in winter. Fertilize however, is no longer necessary. The tree should also be checked for pests and diseases at short intervals.