These plants are eligible

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The special conditions under fir trees

Fir trees often have very dense needles. If there are still several fir trees next to each other, almost no more sunlight falls on the ground below. In addition, the falling needles create an acidic soil climate. Real fir trees are deep-rooted and so do not argue about space and soil with underplanted plants. Hemlocks, sickle firs and also spruces are shallow-rooted, however, and this can also lead to a space problem.
Plants for planting under fir trees must therefore:

  • get by with very little light
  • thrive on slightly acidic soil
  • be shallow-rooted if it is one of the above-mentioned shallow-rooted conifers

also read

  • What kind of planting under trees?
  • Beautiful gifts from flowers - roses grow
  • Are fir trees suitable as hedge plants?

These plants grow under fir trees

But don't despair now; there are certainly some plants that can cope with these conditions. Ferns, mosses and many different types of grass, e.g. B. have no problem with such locations. Succulents are also quite undemanding. There are also a number of flowering plants and small trees that are suitable for planting under fir trees. Here is an overview:

Flowering plants for underplanting fir trees

Surname Heyday Flower color characteristics
Astilbe (Splendid spar) June to September Different bright colors Also decorative in winter as a dry plant
Monkshood September October violet Poisonous
Cashmere bergenia March to April Pink, purple Not evergreen
Cranesbill species Different depending on the variety violet Nice foliage

Low trees for planting under fir trees

Shrubs and small trees usually cope better with shade than flowering plants. Some of them keep their leaves even in winter - like the fir trees. Below is a selection of low trees for underplanting your fir trees.

Surname characteristics Wintergreen
Pillow snowball White flowers, blue berries Yes
rhododendron Typical plant for underplanting fir trees, rich in flowers Most of the time yes
Shamberry Decorative red fruits Yes
Holly Poisonous, beautiful red fruits, tolerates shade very well Yes
Carpet dogwood Ground cover with pretty white flowers Yes
Rowanberry Edible red fruits No, nice autumn colors


You can also plant edibles under your fir trees! Just think of a forest... what is growing there? Sure, blueberries, cranberries and wild strawberries!

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