Propagating the olive tree »This is how it works with seeds or cuttings

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Propagation via cuttings

From an existing tree, choose one or more as young as possible, still not lignified shoots the end. These should be about five to ten centimeters long, and there should be a few eyes on them. If possible, do not make the cut edge straight, but rather at an angle - this will make it easier for the cutting to absorb water later. Now proceed as follows:

  • Fill a small plant pot with it Potting soil.
  • Remove the lower leaves of the filer.
  • Put the cuttings in there and gently press the soil all around.
  • Lightly pour on the shoot.
  • Keep the substrate for the following weeks damp but not wet.
  • Do not fertilize!
  • Put the pot on one bright and warm location on, say, a windowsill.
  • Are optimal Temperatures between 20 and 25 ° C.
  • When new leaves develop, the cutting has taken root.

also read

  • Growing your own olive tree is not difficult
  • How to grow a magnificent olive tree
  • Olive tree tolerates hot, but not frosty temperatures

When do you have to repot an olive tree?

Olives are extremely slow growing trees

, therefore repotting is probably not necessary in the first year. Depending on how big you have chosen the nursery pot, you can use the Also wait longer to repot. Pots for olives shouldn't be too big because the Otherwise the roots develop too strongly and the growth of the actual tree is neglected. Pots that are about a third larger than that are ideal Treetop are.

Propagation via seed kernels

It is a little more difficult, but by no means impossible, to multiply one Olive tree over seed kernels. However, you can only use the kernels of fully ripe, fresh olives or seeds from the trade. The kernels of pickled or otherwise processed olives are no longer capable of germination. And that is how it works:

  • Free the seed core from the pulp surrounding it.
  • Soak the core in lukewarm water for 24 hours.
  • Now put it in a pot with potting soil.
  • And cover it with soil about an inch.
  • Keep the core moist, if possible with a spray bottle.
  • Place the pot in a place that is at least 20 ° C warm and bright.
  • Be patient, it can take a few weeks for the seeds to germinate.

Tips & Tricks

You can also make it easier for the seed core to germinate by sanding the rough shell with a little sandpaper to make it more permeable.