After touching the walnut, clean your hands »Why?

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Green outer shell causes brown discoloration

In the case of fully ripe walnuts, the green outer shell falls off by itself, exposing the core, the nut. Who, however, is immature Harvesting walnuts, is forced to remove this shell yourself - with your own hands. In their zeal, many hobby gardeners forget to adequately protect their “tools” during the act. The result are fingers with a brownish-black discoloration that now absolutely doesn’t want to go away, despite intensive hand washing.

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Note: Incidentally, you owe the stubborn brown stains to the leaking tannic acid. Even during harvest (without peeling), discoloration can occur.

Tips and tricks for cleaning your hands

Once the "damage" is done, there are several ways to get rid of the dirt. Here are some tips and tricks:

  • Buy a cleaning paste with fine abrasive particles at the hardware store. However, the product is not particularly skin-friendly, you should be aware of that.
  • A suitable peeling from the drugstore is a more skin-friendly variant.
  • You can also create an exfoliator yourself: mix a heaping tablespoon of sugar with olive oil (enough to make a paste). Rub it into your hands as hard as you can painfully tolerate.
  • Many chefs advise holding hands immediately after the Gardening (harvesting or peeling the walnuts) with fresh lemon juice. Just briefly squeeze a lemon and then massage your hands vigorously with the juice.
  • Margarine and butter are also considered effective. Rub your hands carefully with the fat for a good two to three minutes. Then wait five minutes. Lastly, wash your hands with warm water.
  • Wait two to three weeks without taking any special measures. The skin flakes off - this is how the dark spots also break away.

Effective prevention of brown fingers in the future

Always pull when you work with walnuts Gardening gloves at. There are also models for latex allergy sufferers.