Types of traps and tips on how to set them up correctly

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Vole traps

There is a large selection of vole traps. On the one hand there is a wide range of killing traps, on the other hand there are live traps for animal lovers. Remember that a live trap can also be fatal for the mouse if the mouse is not detected in time.

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  • The diet of voles: know and use
  • Catch a vole with a live trap
  • Vole: tunnels and heaps of earth

Live traps for voles

The offer to Traps alive has got bigger and bigger in recent years, because more and more gardeners are taking animal welfare to heart. The offer ranges from very cheap tube traps made of plastic to sophisticated box traps made of wire or plastic.

Live traps will be with Vole food such as potatoes, root vegetables or other items.

Killing traps for voles

Voles are not under nature protection and may therefore be killed with a killing trap. However, it is important to keep the suffering of the animals as low as possible. This is what it says in Section 1 of the Animal Welfare Act

Nobody should inflict pain, suffering, or harm on an animal for no good reason.

Therefore, killing traps should always be set up according to regulations to ensure proper functioning.

The self-shot trap

Contrary to what the name suggests, the shot trap does not shoot with bullets. If the vole touches the trigger, a strong overpressure arises in the passage, which causes the vole's lungs to burst and is supposed to lead to immediate death. Animal rights activists argue that the correct functioning of the self-shot trap cannot be guaranteed and that the vole dies a slow, painful death if it malfunctions.

The pincer trap

When the forceps trap is triggered, the vole is crushed between two toothed arms. Sellers advertise that death is quick and painless; Animal lovers have their concerns. More about the function and the You can find out how to set up the pincer trap here.

Snap traps

Gone are the days of the typical snap trap with cheese on the trigger. Nevertheless, the snap trap has not yet served its purpose. Different models with different structures still crush the mouse today. This option is the least advisable. Voles can be caught on limbs and thus not be killed immediately and then slowly die in agony.

Set up the vole trap correctly

  • All traps are placed in the corridor.
  • When setting up all traps, it is very important to only touch them with odorless gloves and to avoid impregnating them with "human smell".
  • With all trap types, it makes sense to position several traps to guarantee success
  • Check all traps several times a day. In the case of live traps, a timely, stress-free release of the vole must be guaranteed. Killing traps must be emptied promptly if the catch is successful in order to avoid a carcass odor.


Once you have successfully caught the vole, you can prevent re-infestation with anti-vole plants.