How to keep fit in your own garden

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Swing or jump on the trampoline

It puts you in a good mood and is also extremely healthy: Training on the trampoline. Even NASA has long included the work-out between gravity and weightlessness in its fitness program. Even when swinging, in which the feet stay on the mat, the metabolism is activated and oxygen is channeled into every cell. This training is particularly effective outdoors because the air here is very rich in oxygen.

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However, the trampoline is not a completely harmless piece of sports equipment. Therefore only let the kids jump one by one. Everyone has their own jumping pace and if a child is unbalanced, this could lead to serious injuries.

Aqua gymnastics

A garden pool is not only great for children who love to frolic in the cool water on hot days. Aqua gymnastics trains the muscles and burns a lot of calories. The water level in the pool should reach at least up to your belly button.

The risk of injury is very low in this sport, which makes it ideal for the whole family. Various exercises can be found on the Internet or you can learn them in an aqua gymnastics course and later do them in your own pool.

Small children should, however, always be supervised and the pool should be covered when not in use, as the risk of drowning is still very high for small children.

Jump rope

Not only children like to jump fit. To jump rope you need nothing more than a sufficiently long rope with a central center of gravity. Wear a heart rate monitor when exercising. This gives you an overview of your heart rate and allows you to train in the optimal range.

This workout burns calories faster than many other exercises. Jumping rope for ten minutes is just as effective as jogging for half an hour. The lawn is a slightly springy surface, so that the joints are spared. Nevertheless, you should wear good sneakers with cushioning when jumping rope.

play badminton

In this game, a shuttlecock is made using a special Racket beaten back and forth. It's all about keeping the ball in the air for as long as possible. Despite the moderate pace, strength, speed and endurance are effectively trained.


Reach for the frisbee again. If you have a larger garden, you can add variety to your training with a disc golf basket. This relatively new sport, which only came to us in the 1970s, is particularly popular with children and young people.