Lime: Planting & Caring for the Lime Tree

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Most people know the lime from fruity and sour cocktails. We show what needs to be considered when growing and caring for real lime.

Limes on the lime tree
The round, green citrus fruits have a fruity-sour taste

The little green ones Citrus fruits, which are simply called limes colloquially, are actually called real limes (Citrus × aurantiifolia). They are also called sour lime or Mexican lime, and sometimes caipirinha lime after their use. In order for a real lime tree to find its place on your balcony or terrace, a few things must be observed. In our article you will learn everything about the cultivation, care and wintering of the real lime.


  • Origin and properties of the lime
  • Biodiversity of the lime
  • Buying lime: what you should pay attention to
  • Growing lime: procedure and location
  • Propagate the lime
  • Maintain the lime
    • Repot the lime
    • Pour the lime
    • Cut the lime
    • Fertilize lime
    • Hibernate lime
  • Harvest and store lime
  • Using the lime in the kitchen

Origin and properties of the lime

The real lime is a species of the citrus plant (

Citrus) in the diamond family (Rutaceae) - just like the real lemon (Citrus x limon) and the orange (Citrus sinensis), even. The real lime probably comes from the area of ​​the Malaysian archipelago. But it has been grown in many tropical areas of the world for centuries. In English, the lime is also called "Key Lime" after its growing areas on the Key Islands in Florida.
The real lime grows as a short-stemmed, heavily branched bush with full, lush crowns. The thin shoots of the plant are covered with thorns. In its tropical home, the lime plant can grow up to four meters high, but in our climate it remains significantly smaller in pots.

Limes on a light surface
Limes belong to the genus of citrus plants [Photo: bonchan /]

The light green leaves are six to eight inches long and oval in shape. Most closely they resemble the leaves of the Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium), the golden citrus. Hence the Latin name Citrus x aurantiifolia, the means something like "citrus with the golden leaf". The German name of limette was borrowed from French, where the word limette means "small lemon".
The fruits are much less shiny than other citrus varieties. The lime blossoms smell wonderfully intense and start to bloom in the early summer months. The fragrant flowers are creamy white and can turn a little violet when exposed to strong sunlight. Limes taste sour and fruity and are therefore particularly popular in the manufacture of cocktails. Lime essential oil is also used commercially.

Biodiversity of the lime

In addition to the real lime, there are many more types of lime. These include, for example:

  • Real or Mexican lime (Citrus x aurantiifolia): The wintering of the lime classic has some pitfalls
  • Tahiti or Persian Lime (Citrus latifolia): Does not bear round, but oval fruits; has lower heat and light requirements than real lime
  • Rank purple (Citrus limonia): This type is also called mandarin lime because it has a green skin but orange flesh
  • Palestine lime (Citrus limettoides): Robust and easy to care for, similar to the Persian lime
Open caviar lime
The caviar lime is a special lime variation [Photo: Tommy Atthi /]
  • Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix): Known for the use of its leaves in Thai cooking
  • Pursha or Roman lime (Citrus limetta x Citrus sinensis): Also called the sweet lime because its acidity is milder than that of other types of lime
  • Caviar or Australian finger lime (Microcitrus australasica): This species bears finger-shaped fruits in which caviar-like pulp is hidden

Further special citrus fruits can be found in this special article.

Buying lime: what you should pay attention to

To buy your lime tree, we recommend that you go to the nursery you trust. Lime trees are usually grafted, so smaller trees can also bear fruit, depending on the rootstock and the method of grafting. The quality of the finishing then determines the quality of the lime tree. The base and the noble rice should be well grown together. And the bark at the grafting point should also be well overgrown so that no diseases can penetrate through open areas. You should therefore only buy your lime tree from a specialist dealer who can assess the quality of the plants. You should of course also make sure that the plant is in good health when buying. Are the leaves and trunk undamaged? Can you spot traces of disease or pests? Does the plant make a vital impression? You should keep all of these questions in mind when buying your lime tree.

Lime trees outdoors
The best place to buy your lime tree is from your trusted nursery [Photo: Nopkamon Tanayakorn /]

Growing lime: procedure and location

The real lime also bears the name Mexican lime, which gives information about the location requirements of the plant, because Mexico has a tropical and subtropical climate. In this country, the lime cannot be planted outdoors. In summer, however, the lime can enjoy the sun in a pot in the garden, on the terrace or on the balcony. In winter the lime tree moves to a heated winter garden.
The ideal location for your lime tree should be as sunny as possible. Limes have even higher heat and light requirements than lemons or oranges. The lime plants then put the sun's energy into the aroma of their fruits. If the lime plant is too much in the shade, the aroma of the limes suffers.

Tip: If it is too dark in the conservatory and the lime plant does not get enough light, then the plant may completely shed its leaves. But do not worry, this does not pose a health risk to your lime. In the spring, the plant sprouts again and completely re-green the tree's crown.

The substrate for the lime tree should be well drained with a high mineral content. To do this, mix the potting soil with 30% mineral materials such as chippings, expanded clay or lava soil and add about 10% coconut fibers.

Lime in the pot in the garden
In summer the lime can stand on the balcony or terrace [Photo: Jojo Photos /]

Location requirements of the lime at a glance:

  • Sunny, warm location
  • In summer in the garden, on the terrace or balcony
  • In winter in the winter garden
  • Permeable soil with a high mineral content

Tip: The lime doesn't like warm feet. If the roots of the lime get too warm, they will stop absorbing water and nutrients. This means that the pot should not be exposed to too much sun so that it does not heat up. And please do not turn on the underfloor heating in winter quarters.

Propagate the lime

Basically, limes can be propagated from seeds and cuttings. When propagating cuttings from lime trees, cut off the head cuttings and remove the leaves from them. A semi-lignified cutting with a length of 15 to 20 centimeters with between five and eleven buds is ideal. Then dip the interface in rooting powder and place the cuttings in loose potting soil. There should then be two to five buds underground and three to six buds above ground. Finally, lightly moisten the soil and the cuttings. The cuttings can take root under foil at temperatures of 20 to 25 ° C.

Maintain the lime

In order to give your lime tree a long life and to get a plentiful harvest, some care measures are necessary for your lime tree. In the following we give you tips for repotting, watering, fertilizing and cutting your lime tree.

Lime is cut with secateurs
Limes should be cut back in winter [Photo: Supaleka_P /]

Repot the lime

Citrus plants such as lime should not be repotted too often, as they do not tolerate damage to the roots. For this reason, when repotting, you should choose a new pot that is as large as possible. The time for repotting has come when the pot is completely rooted. The best time to do this is in March, before the plant sprouts again. You should repot young plants every two years, much less often with older plants. Choose a pot made of clay or plastic as the new vessel. Furthermore, your pot needs a drainage hole and drainage so that the water can drain off well and there is no waterlogging. Gravel or potsherds, for example, are suitable as drainage material.
To repot, take the root ball out of the pot and examine it for health. Cut away dead root material.

Procedure for repotting the lime tree:

  • Repot young plants every two years
  • Choose a container that is as large as possible
  • Enrich potting soil with mineral material and coconut fibers
  • Place drainage material in the pot
  • Insert the root ball and align it straight
  • Fill the pot with soil
  • Water well
The real lime should be repotted every two years [Photo:]

Pour the lime

The water requirement of the lime depends on its growth, which can vary greatly depending on the weather. This is why you should only water your lime plant when it is needed. In contrast to the lemon, the water requirement of the lime is significantly lower. Therefore it is better to water carefully and not too much. As a rule of thumb, the lime needs water when half of the soil has dried out. You can use both rainwater and tap water for watering. Soak the root ball of the lime plant completely. You can then wait a few days until the next watering.

Cut the lime

Limes grow very slowly, so regular pruning of your lime tree is not necessary. Nevertheless, the lime plant is generally compatible with pruning, and it won't do any harm if it is pruned. The best time to cut is in late winter, before the plant sprouts again. When pruning, you should make sure that you always cut just above an outward-facing bud or a leaf base. In addition, you can watch out for dead branches or branches infected by diseases and pests and remove them at any time. Always use sharp secateurs for this.

Fertilize lime

The lime has very high demands on its fertilizer. A special citrus fertilizer is best suited here, which should contain 10% nitrogen, 2% phosphate and 7% potassium. In the main growing season from March to October, we recommend adding fertilizer per week. Since citrus fertilizers are mostly liquid, they can be given together with watering. Alternatively, an organic fertilizer can also be used for the real lime.

Organic universal fertilizer from Plantura
The Plantura organic universal fertilizer is the ideal source of nutrients for your lime

Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer With an organic long-term effect and predominantly plant-based raw materials, it releases the nutrients gently and over the long term to the lime. In winter, limes are fertilized while they are growing. In well-heated winter gardens with plenty of light, this can be the case well into November, sometimes even into December. If the lime's winter quarters are rather shady, you can stop applying fertilizers from the end of September. This slows down the formation of new shoots and leaves.

Hibernate lime

The real lime is not hardy and must therefore overwinter in a warm, sheltered place. The plant does not hibernate and needs as much light as possible even in winter. Temperatures between 8 and 15 ° C are ideal for the lime to hibernate successfully. The warmer the winter quarters, the lighter it should be. Conversely, this means that in places where there is a lack of light in winter, it must not be too warm for the lime. If the ratio of light to heat is not optimal, the lime threatens to lose its leaves. If the lime has completely lost its leaves, you should only water sparingly. But even in winter the lime plant should never dry out. It is better to completely penetrate the substrate with water than to give small amounts of water more often. Lime also likes high humidity in winter. So spray it regularly to do something good for it.

How to overwinter the lime:

  • Temperatures between 8 - 15 ° C are ideal
  • As sunny as possible
  • Water regularly
  • Increase humidity by spraying
  • The warmer it is, the more light the lime needs

Tip: Unfortunately, our winters are often cloudy and dark. That is why we recommend plant lighting for the real lime. At temperatures above 10 ° C, the lime is happy to be illuminated with a plant light lamp.

Conservatory with a lime blanket
In the winter garden, the lime can survive the cold season [Photo: Daniel Hjalmarson /]

Harvest and store lime

Only in the tropics, at constant temperatures, does the peel of the lime remain green until fully ripe. Our skin turns light green to yellow due to the low nighttime temperatures.
We harvest limes in late autumn, sometimes not until winter. When the fruit has softened and the skin has turned a little lighter in color, you can harvest your limes. If you really want to harvest green limes, you should cut them off sooner. Like all Citrus fruits Limes are best cut with scissors just under an inch above the base of the stem. After harvesting, the fruits should be thoroughly cleaned and dirt removed. Limes can be stored in the refrigerator for the longest; this is where the risk of rot and mold is lowest.

Using the lime in the kitchen

Limes can be used in a wonderful variety of ways in the kitchen. Lime is an asset to many dishes, both in desserts and baked goods, as a dressing or as a juicy, fruity refinement in hearty dishes.

Lime Pie
Limes can also be used to bake delicious cakes and pies [Photo: NoirChocolate /]

And of course it can also be used in a wide variety of cocktails. Classic cocktails with lime are the caipirinha, the mojito or the margarita. For a delicious caipirinha you need two limes, which should definitely be untreated. These are sprinkled with brown sugar and pounded with a pestle; this is how the aroma of the fruit unfolds. Add 4 cl cachaça and fill the glass with ice. The cocktail is ready. But it doesn't always have to be alcohol. Limes can also easily be used to flavor water. But they are also very suitable as a dressing in Mexican cuisine. Just add a few spritzes over the tacos or guacamole and enjoy.

If you are looking for more special lime and lemon varieties you can read on here.

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