6 differences between mandarin and clementine

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Mandarin and clementine look almost the same at first glance, but the citrus fruits are different from each other. We show six differences between mandarin and clementine.

Mandarins in the basket with leaves
Mandarin or Clementine? We show how to tell them apart [Photo: Oksana Mizina / Shutterstock.com]

Again and again the question arises what the difference between Mandarins (Citrus reticulata) and clementines (Citrus clementina) is. At first glance, both fruits have a lot in common and can hardly be distinguished from one another in terms of size, color and leaves. The main differences are far deeper and only become apparent when the bowl is opened. However, it is not just a matter of two different varieties of a plant species, but even of very different species.


  • Difference 1: origin and origin
  • Difference 2: the kernels
  • Difference 3: the segments
  • Difference 4: the bowl
  • Difference 5: the taste
  • Difference 6: The ingredients
  • The 6 differences between Mandarine & Clementine at a glance
  • What do mandarins and clementines have in common?

Difference 1: origin and origin

The tangerine is one of the oldest cultivated plants known to man. Although it has only been known in Europe for about two centuries, it has been cultivated in China for thousands of years. Its name suggests that it was primarily a fruit of the rich. and 19th Titled high-ranking civil servants in the 19th century.

the Origin of the clementine however, is uncertain. Presumably it also developed for the first time in ancient China. However, it was not discovered as a separate species until 1902 by the Algerian monk Frère Clément, to whom the clementine owes its name. In fact, the clementine is a hybrid of mandarin (Citrus reticulata) and Bitter orange (Citrus x aurantium). This makes it more robust than the mandarine and also a bit more cold-tolerant.

Note: The so-called Satsuma (Citrus × unshiu) looks very similar. It is a hybrid of mandarin and orange, which, unlike clementine and mandarine, comes from Japan.

Difference 2: the kernels

Another difference between citrus fruits is in the seeds. In contrast to clementines, mandarins have kernels in the pulp, which can interfere with eating. This difference speaks more in favor of the clementine than the mandarine.

Tangerine peeled with pieces
Mandarins can be recognized by their thin skin and exactly nine segments [Photo: Maryna Osadcha / Shutterstock.com]

Difference 3: the segments

Mandarins and clementines also differ in structure. While the pulp of the former is divided into exactly nine segments, the number of segments in clementines is quite variable and varies between eight and up to twelve.

Difference 4: the bowl

The peel of the tangerine is very thin. This makes it easier to peel it, but it can also easily lead to pressure points and faster drying out. Clementines have a relatively thick shell and therefore good protection. You can therefore store the fruit for up to two months without the risk of drying out, while mandarins only stay fresh for up to two weeks.

Difference 5: the taste

There is also a difference in taste between mandarin and clementine. Mandarins are more aromatic, but can sometimes be a bit tart. Clementines are extremely sweet, but also less aromatic than mandarins.

Difference 6: The ingredients

Mandarins can come up with more potassium, but also a higher number of calories. Clementines, on the other hand, have a higher content of vitamin C.

Clementines in the pile
In contrast to mandarins, the number of segments in the clementine is not fixed, and the skin is significantly thicker than that of the mandarine [Photo: ChiccoDodiFC / Shutterstock.com]

The 6 differences between Mandarine & Clementine at a glance

In the following table we have again summarized the six differences between clementine and mandarine.

difference tangerine Clementine
Origin and origin Cultivated in China for millennia Cross between 2 species, discovered in 1902
Cores Often many stones in the pulp Few to no stones in the pulp
Segments 9 segments 8 - 12 segments
peel Slim Thick, good protection
taste Very aromatic, sometimes tart Exceptionally sweet, less aromatic
ingredients More potassium, more calories Higher content of vitamin C.

What do mandarins and clementines have in common?

In addition to the differences between mandarine and clementine, there are also some similarities. That both the mandarin and clementine are orange and medium-sized isn't the only similarity. They both have in common the incomparable smell that unawares you back to the St. Nicholas days of your childhood. It is caused by the numerous glands that are in the shell.

Whether you are a lover of the clementine or rather the tangerine, you can completely leave it to your taste buds. Longer shelf life and seedless pulp speak more in favor of the clementine, while the mandarine is easier to peel and is more aromatic. One thing is certain: both fruits are extraordinarily healthy. With their high content of vitamins C and A, as well as nutrients such as magnesium, calcium or potassium, you are doing something good for your body by enjoying the citrus fruit.

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