Planting avocado seeds: growing avocado at home

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The healthy avocado can be used in many different recipes. However, you can also plant the avocado seeds - more on this here.

Especially in the last few years the avocado Also more and more present in our latitudes. It is now part of the standard range of every supermarket and the green fruit is also on the menu in more and more restaurants. The variety of avocado recipes is extremely large and ranges from creams to dips, salads and avocado burgers. What many do not know, however, is that you can easily use the core of the avocado to grow your own avocado. You can find out how to plant the avocado seed in our growing instructions. Because planting avocados is not a great art, but rather easy with our tips!


  • Planting avocado seeds: from the core to the plant
  • Origin and history of the avocado
  • Ingredients and uses of the avocado

Planting avocado seeds: from the core to the plant

You can grow your own avocado plant yourself without any great magic. As already said, the avocado seed is the means to the end. The instructions for planting avocado seeds are as follows:

The first thing you need, of course, is an avocado. Please do not throw the avocado kernel in the organic rubbish, but wash it thoroughly so that there are no more fruit residues on it. Then the core is dried off and four toothpicks are inserted into it from the side at equal intervals. Since a healthy root will not grow out of every avocado seed, you should increase your chances: So it is best to do this step with two or three kernels.

halved avocado with core
Carefully cut the avocado in half along the core.
Avocado skin with a core without pulp
After enjoying the pulp, you should not throw away the stone! [Photo: Rdough - CC BY 2.0]
Avocado seeds
Wash the core thoroughly and insert 4 toothpicks into it

The next step is to have a glass of water and it will become clear why the toothpicks were put into the core. These now serve to ensure that the lower part of the core is in the water and thus stabilizes it. The pointed side of the avocado kernel should point upwards. The free toothpick tips should point slightly upwards so that the core is covered with sufficient water. The jar with the avocado core should be placed as bright as possible; change the water at least every two days. After a few weeks the tip of the kernel will begin to break open and over time a stalk, small leaflets and roots will slowly emerge from the kernel. But now it still means: be patient and keep changing the water regularly.

Avocado seeds not completely covered with earth
Make sure that the core is not completely covered with earth (Advertisement: Many thanks to Floragard)
Freshly potted avocado plant
The avocado still likes it very sunny (Advertisement: Many thanks to Floragard)
New avocado plant grown from the core
Et voila! - Your own avocado plant grown from a core (Advertisement: Many thanks to Floragard)
Avocado from the core to the plant
It's that easy to turn an avocado seed into a new plant!

After about three months, you will have a tiny avocado plant that will be six to eight inches tall. When a few leaves have been developed, the avocado can be planted in a pot; but do not cover the upper part of the core with soil. A sunny location is still essential and the small avocado plant naturally also needs water on a regular basis. In the tropical regions of the world, an avocado tree takes about four years to bear the first fruits. In our much colder climate, this takes much longer, even under the most optimal conditions. Often, however, the light conditions are simply not enough, which is why the tree cannot bear fruit. Nevertheless, after a very short time you have a very decorative avocado tree - and you have grown it yourself.

tip: In the paperback "Regrow your veggies”By Plantura co-founders Melissa Raupach and Felix Lill you will find exciting instructions on how to regrow more than 20 delicious types of fruit and vegetables. The book is decorated with lovingly designed illustrations and also gives you helpful tips for caring for your plants.

Origin and history of the avocado

The home of the avocado (Persea americana or Persea gratissima) is located in southern Mexico. Over time, it spread throughout Central America and has probably been used by the indigenous peoples there for 10,000 years. With the conquest of the American continent, the Spaniards in particular spread the avocado in countries in South America such as Chile. The green fruit, which is actually a berry according to botanical definition, was later brought to other tropical and subtropical regions of the world, where it still grows today.

The member of the laurel family is also grown in southern Spain to this day, especially in the region around Malaga. However, the main producers of the healthy avocado are Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Indonesia and Colombia. So you can see: the avocado likes it moist and warm in order to produce excellent fruit. But, as already described, it is also possible here not to simply throw the kernel of the avocado in the trash, but to let a new plant grow from it.

Ingredients and uses of the avocado

The uses of the avocado in the kitchen are very diverse. With its full, mild, almost butter-like taste, it can be perfectly integrated into many recipes. The avocado cream or dips such as guacamole, for example, are very classic. Avocados, tomatoes, Onions, coriander with salt, pepper, lemon juice and whoever likes a little more chili mixed up. This is a real classic from Latin America, especially with nachos. It is of course also possible to simply eat the avocado on bread or toast. If you wish, you can also cut them very artfully and drape them on the bread like a fan. But you can also enjoy the green fruit warm, for example on burgers or seared it. In simple green salads, the avocado can simply be cut into it or used as a component of the dressing. That makes the crisp green taste very creamy.

Guacamole: This is how the avocado is best eaten. [Photo: Kjokkenutstyr Net]

Two common questions about avocado revolve around hers Nutrients and calories: Are Avocados Healthy and How Much of the Fruit Should You Eat in a Day? First of all, yes, the avocado is extremely healthy. Above all, it contains many of the very important vegetable fats that are extremely healthy for the body. Even if many people have negative associations with the word fat: You don't have to worry about the mainly unsaturated fatty acids in avocado. Still, you shouldn't eat five avocados a day; For a healthy diet it is important to have a variety of fruits and vegetables and to concentrate on one variety. With 160 kilo calories (kcal) per 100 grams, the avocado is one of the fruits with the highest calorie content. But even that is not tragic in itself, since it makes a difference whether 160 calories in fruit and Vegetables are absorbed by the body or the same amount of industrially produced fast food or similar. In addition, the healthy avocado is also rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamins A and C.

The avocado is also good for the skin thanks to the high number of unsaturated fatty acids. Avocado oil is increasingly used in the cosmetics industry due to its positive properties for the skin.

You can also easily create new plants from other fruits. How to get a Planting pineapples and a Planting mango can be found in our articles. Here you will find all information about the Regrowth of vegetable residues and here how to Propagate herbs very easily by cuttings can.