Plant watering on vacation: the best tips for the vacation time

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You probably know it: you are ready for your vacation, but the garden is not yet. If you can't find neighbors or friends to water your plants while on vacation, other methods are needed.

Watering with a glass vessel
Irrigation also works with glass bottles or special vessels [Photo: FotoHelin /]

So that watering flowers does not become a problem even on vacation, we have put together a few options for automatic watering. Whether houseplant, balcony or flower bed - here you will find the right irrigation for every plant.


  • Plant watering on vacation: You have these options
    • Plant watering with bottles
    • Water plants with thread
    • Water plants in the bathtub
    • Irrigation with granules
    • Water the garden while on vacation
  • More tips for the garden on vacation
    • Put plants in the shade
    • Cut back plants
    • Mulching beds
    • Watering and fertilizing
    • Test system

Plant watering on vacation: You have these options

If there is no neighbor to ensure watering the plants on vacation, there are several methods that you can resort to. Some are better for indoor plants, while others are better for the garden. In addition to the automatic irrigation systems for gardens and homes, there are also numerous ways in which you can easily create an irrigation system yourself.

Plant watering with bottles

A fairly well-known method of watering plants on vacation is with bottle watering. PET bottles are often used for this, but glass bottles can also be used. This prevents microplastics from entering the earth. Bottle watering works best when you use a clay cone that is simply screwed onto the bottle and then stuck into the soil. This only releases the water when the earth is so dry that it has a higher suction tension than the clay cone. The water is not simply released continuously, but only when it is dry. Alternatively, one or two holes can be drilled in the bottle cap, through which the water is gradually released. The holes should be as small as possible so that the water lasts for a long time. A cork stopper, for example from a wine bottle, can also be inserted into the opening and slowly releases water.

Watering with plastic bottles
A popular method is to water plants with plastic bottles [Photo: RaffMaster /]

So that the bottle is stable, you can stick two long nails into the lid, which then give a little more hold in the ground.

The bottle size should match the water needs of the plant and the length of the vacation. This method is particularly suitable for indoor and balcony plants. However, depending on how many plants you have, the production of this irrigation system is quite complex.

Tip - water plants with plastic bottles: Ordinary plastic bottles contain bisphenol A (BPA). This is a substance that is very likely to change our hormonal balance and our epigenetics, i.e. the structure of our genes. Anyone who is already careful to avoid the intake of BPA should not water their plants with bottles of this type either. Because BPA is also absorbed and enriched by plants. This has already been proven in several studies.

Watering through a glass ball
The plant irrigation does not necessarily have to be electronically controlled [Photo: FotoHelin /]

Water plants with thread

Another method of watering plants on vacation is by thread. All you need is a very thick cotton thread and a container with water. Instead of a yarn, strips of fabric or lamp wicks can also be used.

Instructions for watering plants with thread:

  • Gather all plants around the water tank
  • The water container must be higher than the flower pots
  • Cut yarn or strips of fabric into suitable pieces
  • Put one end into the water, the other end into the earth
  • Weigh down the thread on both sides - for example, wrap it around a nail - so that it stays in the water and in the earth

With this method, the water seeps into the earth through the wick. It is powered by gravity because the water tank is placed higher than the plant being watered.

Water plants in the bathtub

If you don't go on vacation for too long, you can water houseplants well with the bathtub method. If there is no bathtub or you only need to water a few plants, a sink or plastic tub is also suitable.

Houseplant in bathtub
Indoor plants can outlast the vacation even in the bathtub [Photo: JRP Studio /]

Instructions for watering plants in the bathtub:

  • Plug the bathtub
  • Put old towels in
  • Fill up with about 3 cm of water, more or less depending on the water requirement
  • Put all plants inside

Attention: The planter or saucer must be removed with this method. The plants get the water through the drain hole in the plastic or clay pot.

Irrigation with granules

Plants in Clay granules grow, i.e. kept in hydroponics, can be watered in advance. The reservoir in the hydroponic pot can be filled to the brim. However, the water always rises only in small amounts due to adhesive forces on the surface of the clay balls and is absorbed there by the plants cultivated without soil. So there is no waterlogging despite the large amount of water. This means that hydroponic planting is not only practical during the holiday season, but also in continuous operation. A water level indicator shows how full the reservoir under the clay granulate is.

Water supply through clay granules
Hydroponic plants can be watered in advance without overwatering [Photo: NataliyaF /]

Note: Hydroponics is usually only done with mineral fertilizers. However, because their production is harmful to the environment, we do not recommend using hydroponics on an overly large scale.

Water the garden while on vacation

In order to supply lawns and beds with water during the vacation, automatic irrigation systems come into question. With our tips, however, you can optimally prepare your garden for the holiday season even without them.

One possibility for watering beds and raised beds is to dig in an open-pored clay pot. The vessel should have a narrow opening and a bulbous shape and not have a drainage hole. Dig a hole and insert the container up to the opening in the soil near the plants to be watered. The vessel is filled with water and the opening is covered. Now the water can gradually be released to the earth through the clay.

Clay pot as an irrigation system
Burying clay pots for water supply is common in some countries [Photo: Dan Shachar /]

Attention: This method should only be used if the plants do not have a spreading root system. That could be damaged by burying the vessel. Alternatively, the clay pot is already buried with the young plants.

Clay cones can also be used, which are connected to a large water reservoir via hoses, for example a rain barrel. The clay cones are placed in beds and pots and slowly release the water into the dry soil. Clay cones with attached valves are also available, which are opened by the high suction tension when the soil is dry and then release water.

More tips for the garden on vacation

In addition to the above options for plant watering while on vacation, we have the following We have put together some useful tips on how to best prepare your garden and potted plants can.

Put plants in the shade

Of course, this trick doesn't work for bedding plants. However, potted, indoor and balcony plants can be placed out of the sun and grouped in the shade or partial shade. In this way, evaporation and thus the need for water are reduced and the plants can do without additional watering for longer.

Cut back plants

For all pruning-compatible plants, they should be cut back before the holiday. Above all, wilted flowers should be removed. Vegetable and fruit plants can be harvested as much as possible. This also reduces the water requirement, because more leaves and fruits naturally also require more water.

Prune plants while on vacation
Cut back plants to reduce water requirements [Photo: OlgaPonomarenko /]

Mulching beds

In order to keep the water in the ground for as long as possible and to reduce evaporation, beds should be mulched before the holiday. Bark mulch, such as ours, can be used for this Plantura organic pine bark, be used. Our organic mulch made from natural raw materials not only protects against dehydration, but also helps to suppress unwanted wild herbs in the bed.

Watering and fertilizing

Refrain from fertilizing before your vacation. Fertilizer encourages the plant to grow and it needs more water. Instead, it should be poured liberally. Moisturize the lawn and beds well. Potted plants can also be immersed. This means that the root ball is immersed in a container with water until no more air bubbles rise. The above-mentioned irrigation methods also work optimally, as the water requirement for the first few days is already met and the supplies in the systems last longer.

Watering indoor plants
Before the holiday, you should water it again generously [Photo: Turistas /]

Test system

An important tip at the very end: test the irrigation system before your vacation. This is the only way to ensure that everything works. It will also help you better assess the plants' water needs and take the right precautions.

You can make watering easier for yourself when you are choosing plants. In our post we have drought and heat-resistant plants put together that can also cope well in dry locations.

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