Green zebra tomato: ripening time, cultivation & harvest

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When is the green zebra tomato ripe? What do you have to consider when growing, caring for and harvesting green tomatoes? We reveal everything to do with the striped zebra tomato.

Green zebra tomatoes on panicle
The ‘Green Zebra’ is a solid, green-yellow striped salad tomato [Photo: Vadym Zaitsev /]

The tomato variety ‘Green Zebra’ is probably the best-known type of green tomato and is enjoying growing popularity. We present you the special tomato in the profile.


  • Green Zebra Tomato: Wanted poster
  • Origin and history of the tomato variety ‘Green Zebra’
  • Properties and taste of the zebra tomato
  • Growing and caring for the green zebra tomato
  • When is the green zebra tomato ripe?
  • Harvest and use the Green Zebra Tomato

Green Zebra Tomato: Wanted poster

fruit Salad tomato; green-yellow striped
taste fruity, sweet with refreshing acidity
Ripening time middle
growth Stake tomatoes, up to 2 m
Location Greenhouse, protected open field

Origin and history of the tomato variety ‘Green Zebra’

This pretty green and yellow striped tomato was bred by Tom Wagner from the USA. It came onto the market for the first time in 1983 and its triumphant advance in home gardens has continued unabated ever since. "Green Zebra" is by no means the first green, ripe tomato. Their South American wild relatives also ripened thousands of years ago without blushing.

Properties and taste of the zebra tomato

The ‘Green Zebra’ is a very robust and healthy plant that bears medium-sized, round fruits from mid-July. When unripe, the zebra tomato has light green stripes that later turn golden yellow. The taste of the ‘Green Zebra’ is unique and delicious, because it tastes aromatic, sweet and fruity. It has a refreshing acidity that is typical of green varieties. It is also a seed-resistant variety, so it can be grown again and again from your own seeds. In our article on the Prefer tomatoes you will find instructions and tips on how you can use the seeds obtained to grow healthy and robust little plants for the next year.

Green Zebra tomato variety
Ripe tomatoes get golden yellow stripes and become soft [Photo: Iva Vagnerova /]

Growing and caring for the green zebra tomato

The ‘Green Zebra’ is a stake tomato that bears abundant fruit both in the greenhouse and in the field.
When planting, a special tomato soil - like our Plantura Organic tomato & vegetable soil in organic quality - can be used. It gives the tomato plants an optimal start to the summer months, as it provides the ideal pH value as well as many essential nutrients and thus ensures healthy growth.

After planting, the plants, which can be over two meters high, need a rod or other support. The ‘Green Zebra’ can be grown very well with two shoots. For this one leaves a strong side shoot. A rain cover prevents the fruits from bursting open outdoors and protects them from diseases. For fertilization, it is best to use a primarily organic slow-release fertilizer that provides your plant with all the important nutrients over the long term, such as our Plantura Organic tomato fertilizer. Overall, the tomato variety is very robust and easy to care for, yet high-yielding and therefore a real favorite.

When is the green zebra tomato ripe?

A ripe ‘Green Zebra’ can be recognized at first glance, because the green stripes turn golden yellow. In addition, the fruit becomes softer, which can be seen with light finger pressure. So you can always see immediately which of the delicious fruits is ready to be eaten.

Green zebra tomatoes cut open
The ripe green zebra tomatoes are best eaten fresh [Photo: Picture Partners /]

Harvest and use the Green Zebra Tomato

The ‘Green Zebra’ is ideal for direct consumption because it is juicy and extremely aromatic. In tomato salads it gives fresh color accents and when processed it is a real treat for all tomato recipes.

Our tip: Boil the ‘Green Zebra’ with green ketchup and surprise friends and acquaintances with it.

In case you're curious about it now green tomatoes you can find more delicious varieties in our article.