Repot agapanthus properly in 8 steps

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Repot Agaphantus - title

table of contents

  • time
  • Utils
  • Prepare the substrate
  • Select pot
  • Repot agapanthus: instructions
  • Repotting: care afterwards
  • frequently asked Questions

Over the years, the roots of the African Lily become too big for the bucket. In this case you have to repot the agapanthus. The most important steps are explained in this guide.

In a nutshell

  • It is repotted in spring
  • necessary if the bucket has roots
  • The bucket size has to be right
  • Drainage important


So that when repotting the Ornamental lilies If the temperature is too low, you should always choose spring for this project. April is particularly suitable when the African lily is developing new leaves and small offshoots form. Fortunately, repotting is reduced to every few years when the tub is completely rooted. You can recognize this when roots either protrude from the drainage holes below or protrude over the edge of the tub. In this case, you need to repot as soon as possible.


In addition to a suitable bucket, you only need a few utensils for repotting. The following list gives you an overview of the resources:

  • Gardening gloves
  • Secateurs
African Lily (Agapanthus)
African Lily (Agapanthus)

Prepare the substrate

When repotting your agapanthus, choosing the right substrate is not difficult. The plants are extremely undemanding to their soil. You are satisfied with the following substrates:

  • Garden soil
  • Potted plant soil

Remember to sterilize the garden soil before using it so that no pathogens affect the plant. Fertilize the bucket substrate with a handful of mature compost. That is completely sufficient for the nutrient supply in the first season. It is also advisable to mix gravel or quartz sand into the plant substrate. This will improve the drainage and structure of the substrate.

Select pot

Choosing the right pot for the ornamental lilies is important. So that it can grow undisturbed over several years, the pot size should not be too small. Since ornamental lilies do not like it too spacious, you should choose a pot that is only a little larger than the previous one. A maximum of 15 percent is completely sufficient for the plant. In addition to the size of the pot, it must also have drainage holes. Agapanthus are sensitive to waterlogging and can die quickly due to too much moisture.

Note: The use of plastic tubs is recommended for ornamental lilies, as these are significantly cheaper. If one of the agapanthus specimens breaks through, the acquisition costs of a new bucket are low.

Repot agapanthus: instructions

Repotting an agapanthus is not really difficult if you have the necessary utensils available and the right pot size selected. The following instructions go into the individual steps with which you repot the agapanthus:

Agapanthus in the bucket
  • Carefully remove the lily from the pot
  • Do not damage the root ball
  • Do not remove soil
  • Check for sick, dead, or rotten roots
  • remove affected roots
  • Create drainage in a new bucket
  • Drainage layer: 10 cm high
  • Drainage material: gravel, expanded clay
  • Put the plant in the tub
  • fill up with substrate
  • Lightly press
  • water well
  • place at the ideal location

Note: The African lily is much easier to remove from the bucket with two people. One person carefully pulls the bucket off the root ball while the other holds onto the agapanthus.

Repotting: care afterwards

After repotting, it is important that you provide the ornamental lilies with sufficient moisture. This allows the rhizomes to develop new roots more quickly and establish themselves in the tub, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the vitality of the plant. Always water the plant as needed. As soon as the top layer of substrate has dried, pour in more. You do not need to fertilize if you have enriched the substrate with compost. Regular fertilization is only necessary again from the next season when the compost has slowly been used up.

frequently asked Questions

Can the African Lily be divided when repotting?

Yes, if you do not want to use a larger pot, it is advisable to divide the ornamental lilies. This does not change the repotting date. The root ball is divided, for example. with a spade or saw right down the middle. The pieces are then placed in fresh plant substrate and a suitable pot. Pour vigorously and you have propagated your African lily.

How can the lily be removed more easily from the pot?

If it is a specimen with a pronounced root system, it cannot always be removed with pure muscle power on the pot. If the plant cannot be removed from the bucket at all, you have to cut open the soil. After that, the plant can be removed more easily.

Why does the African Lily not bloom after repotting?

Don't worry, that's normal. The plants need some time to grow before they can develop new flowers again. Depending on the type and variety of the ornamental lily plants, this can take one to three seasons. You just have to be patient and take good care of the plant until the next bloom shows up.