Ice begonias: planting, caring for & overwintering

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The ice begonias have some special features compared to their sisters, the normal begonias. We show what you need to know about planting and caring for ice begonias.

Ice begonias with pink and white flowers
The flowers of the ice begonia do not all look the same [Photo: ArliftAtoz2205 /]

Do you have the flowers of the ice begonia (Begonia semperflorens) have you ever looked closely? Then you may have noticed that not all flowers look the same. Begonias do not believe in too much closeness and separate male and female elements from each other to be on the safe side. Some flowers only have male stamens, while the other flowers only have female styles. But not only that makes the ice begonias interesting contemporaries. There are still a few surprises in them.

Ice begonias: this is how they get their names

With the name "ice begonia" one could prematurely come to the conclusion that it would be the only frost-tolerant begonia species. But ice begonias are actually extremely sensitive to frost. They would hardly survive a winter outdoors in Central Europe. The name probably comes from the succulent and rapidly breaking leaves of the plant. So what would be a more appropriate name? The scientific name

Begonia semperflorens sums it up quite well: It can be translated as "ever-blooming begonia". And indeed - once the ice begonia started to bloom in May, it doesn't want to stop. Even in beautiful, bright winter quarters, she cannot be stopped. Unfortunately, the numerous small flowers produce very little nectar and pollen and are therefore of little use for pollinators. Ice begonias, or perhaps more appropriately called God's eyes or bed begonias, are upright and richly branched plants. Their bushy growth is adorned by the medium to dark green leaves. But dark-leaved varieties are also available.

Ice begonia with red flowers
Ice begonias are true ever-bloomers. Its leaves are about three to ten centimeters long and have a pointed, heart-shaped to rounded shape [Photo: jessicahyde /]

Ice begonias: characteristics and peculiarities

The well-known ice begonias actually come from South America. However, they do not exist in the wild because they are a bred hybrid from Begonia cucullata var. hookeri and Begonia schmidtiana. With countless varieties and their white, pink or red flowers, they have easily conquered the hearts of gardeners and the gardens of Europe. Even the leaves differ in color depending on the variety. Not only green is often to be seen here, red and bronze-colored leaves are also not infrequently to be admired. It is often forgotten, however, that the ice begonia does not only do well in the bed. On the plate, its leaves and small flowers not only delight the viewer, but also pamper them with a fresh, lemony aroma. So if you want to present your guests something special, the flowers of the ice begonia are a wonderful addition to the salad.

Those who prefer to use the plant for decorative purposes have numerous options, because it does not only look good in beds and borders, but also on balconies and hanging baskets. With a maximum height of 30 centimeters, you will find enough space even in small gardens.

Ice begonias grow in hanging baskets
The colorful ice begonias do not only have a great effect in hanging tanks, because they are even edible [Photo: Kaca Skokanova /]

The most beautiful ice begonia varieties

Everyone has a slightly different taste of what the perfect ice begonia should look like. Countless varieties have developed over the years. The variety ranges from simple, unfilled, small flowers to double or two-colored. You also have freedom of choice when it comes to the color of the foliage. Not only varieties with green leaves are available, but also varieties with dark or even bronze foliage.

  • Ostas H‘: This variety bears small white flowers with numerous bright yellow stamens and styles. Their foliage is colored green.
  • Oreb H Pink‘: The‘ Oreb H Pink ’variety also has green foliage. As the name suggests, its flowers are not white, but intense pink.
  • cocktail‘: This group of varieties surprises with dark foliage. The names of the associated varieties are the alcoholic beverages. The different types of Rum ’, Whiskey’ or ‘Gin’ have different shades of red, white and pink.
  • Volumia Rose bicolor‘: This variety comes in two colors. Its white flowers are adorned with a wonderful pink border and really come into their own. The foliage of this variety is green.
  • Doublet‘: Ice begonias in this series are particularly beautiful because of their double flowers. They come in all colors and can have both bronze and green foliage.

Anyone interested in other types and varieties of begonia will find what they are looking for in our overview article.

Doublet ice begonia
Ice begonias of the ‘Doublet’ variety come in different colors [Photo: mizy /]

Plant ice begonias

Do not plant the blooming ice begonias until mid-May, when the ice saints are over. Then you can be sure that no more late frosts endanger your plant. If you keep a distance of about 20 centimeters between the individual plants, you can plant veritable seas of flowers. With a skilful combination of different flower colors, you can even develop patterns and motifs. Since ice begonias bloom all summer and like it sunny, they are also often planted on graves. Detailed instructions on how to plant begonias can be found here.

Ice begonias planted in borders
Ice begonias are in their element in artistic borders [Photo: LacoKozyna /]

Maintaining ice begonias: what you should keep in mind

Ice begonias are straightforward and easy to use. The only thing you should be careful with is touch, because the fleshy leaves and shoots break easily. Keep the plants moist, but avoid waterlogging. It is best to always wait until the soil above ground has dried before watering again. For fertilization, it is enough to give the plant a portion of compost, manure or long-term fertilizer like ours in the spring Plantura organic flower fertilizer to administer.

Hibernate ice begonias

Although the tropical plants are usually planted annually in Germany due to their sensitivity to frost, nothing speaks against overwintering in the warm. It's a shame for the plant, the resources and the money that would otherwise be lost. In addition, ice begonias bloom in warm winter even during the cold months. Simply dig up the plant's root balls and place them in a pot. Now they can be optimally overwintered at around 16 to 20 ° C, for example in the bright stairwell.

Alternatively, you can cut the plants down to a few centimeters in autumn Place the root ball in a box with slightly damp earth and in a frost-free but cool cellar overwinter. Only in March should you put the plants in the light and start watering again.